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In Latest "Giveaway to Polluters," Trump EPA Suspends Clean Water Rule

In Latest "Giveaway to Polluters," Trump EPA Suspends Clean Water Rule
Mon, 2/5/2018

The Clean Water Rule, introduced in 2015, aimed to reduce pollution from substances like chemical fertilizers used by farmers and ranchers, in 60 percent of U.S. waterways. (Photo: EcologyWA)

In a decision that critics warned will put the drinking water of one in three Americans at risk, the Environmental Protection Agency announced plans last week to suspend the Obama-era Clean Water Rule, meant to limit the flow of chemicals into the nation's waterways.

"Communities across our country can't just 'suspend' their need for clean water any more than they can suspend their need for the sun to come up, which makes this ridiculous giveaway to polluters all the more galling," said Dalal Aboulhosn, the Sierra Club's deputy legislative director for land and water.

Also known as the Waters of the United States Rule, the Clean Water Rule was introduced in 2015 and meant to go into effect in the coming weeks, barring farmers and developers from using pollutants including fertilizers that run off into waterways.

President Barack Obama's EPA aimed to protect 60 percent of the nation's water with the regulation, including wetlands, large bodies like the Chesapeake Bay and the Puget Sound, and streams and rivers that flow into them.

President Donald Trump has criticized the rule since his 2016 campaign, calling it "one of the worst examples of federal regulation."

In its statement on the EPA's move, the Sierra Club noted that the rule "was created after the EPA held more than 400 meetings with stakeholder groups across the country... The rule's strong grounding in the Clean Water Act and reliance on the significant scientific evidence showed the need for strong and clear protections against pollution in America's rivers, lakes, and waterways to protect families from dangerous toxins in their water."

As word of the potential suspension of the rule spread last year, Food & Water Watch called the news "another clear signal that the Trump administration cares little for the health and safety of communities across the United States."

"Although far from perfect, the Clean Water Rule was a step in the right direction; now Trump wants to take giant steps backwards in clean water protections, back to the days of massive fish kills and rivers on fire," said executive director Wenonah Hauter. "With each day in office, Trump is firmly cementing his place in history as the worst environmental president to ever hold office."

Originally published by Common Dreams



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The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.

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The world has lost an incredible thinker and doer. I have lost an amazing friend. A void exists where before it was filled with David's optimism, humour and joy.

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