There are clear definitive turning points in our history as a nation, as a global community and individually in our own lives, in the choices we make and the choices we allow to be made for us. Right now there is a powerful shift occurring on so many levels in our country and across the world, politically, spiritually, ecologically and personally. We are at a place in our state of being on this planet where the lines are clearly drawn and we must choose where we want to stand.
Do we stand as visionaries to a future that encompasses preservation of the planet, a restructuring of the global hierarchy on every level in terms of leadership, the message we project, the way that we house, feed and cure humanity and care for the creatures of this Earth, or do we continue to destroy and conquer, bicker and belittle? Do we want to preserve the grace of what our planet organically offers us or do we want to use it up until it no longer gasps for air?
Internally, political and social questions abound. Do we choose leadership driven by divisive hate speech, alienation of skin tone, religion, ideology and other drama? Do we choose to retreat to our segregated caves and tribes in fear of others who think or speak differently than we do? Do we allow others outside our door to suffer and die because of our fears of opening the door, of kindness, of mercy, of sharing?
Now is the time for all of us, individually and collectively, to grab hold of the rope that is so frayed in our country’s collective consciousness. We can no longer rely on the voices of others, by putting the responsibility on the shoulders of those who are the most vocal or determined to pull for all of us. Never before have we seen such swift and dramatic changes in our world and in the structure of what harms and what heals; what divides and what reaps war, hatred, bloodshed and fear.
The same fascist tyrannical rhetoric that rises in each generation seems to be more of the same vicious fear masked as he-man power against the illusion of “purity” – racial purity, puritanical cleanliness, fear of brown, fear of “other,” fear of head scarves, fear of brown men, fear of women and their power to procreate or not, fear of one's own extinction if others are able to flourish among us. It's the same fascism we saw in the puritanical rage that burned women alive for being “witches,” that outed revolutionary creatives as being communists, that rounded up Jews into death camps as scapegoats from the fear and loathing that burned in the heart of Hitler and those who fell in blind like sheep behind him.
We are lucky in this current age to participate in a real-time global community via the Internet, social media, imagery and free speech in this country, while others are literally still being crucified in Saudi Arabia for speaking their truth or having an opinion that contradicts the fascism which controls their people, their voices, their choices.
So much is at stake right now, this very moment, as we march forward as a global neighborhood from the starting point as individuals to the collective communities we live in to the entire planet. It’s time to stand up and speak truth to the power that what has been in place which clearly does not serve the majority of us and is not going to be tolerated any longer. As we coexist on this planet, we have a responsibility to feed and nourish its inhabitants, to stop the cruelty and start building something tangible we can be proud of, thrive on and live with together as a community of multi-faceted colors and beliefs.
It is time for a change of the guard. The old ways have run their course and the new collective consciousness is one of cohesiveness, awareness and change. We will no longer allow the suppression of our ability to survive, to make a living, to attain healthcare, a living wage, housing and time for leisure.
We no longer will tolerate our black and brown brothers and sisters being murdered by those who are paid to protect and to serve.
We will no longer tolerate being enslaved to debt for a basic education that would serve all of us collectively, not just individually.
We will no longer tolerate the Trumps and Cruzes whose ignorant rants fill the airwaves of the corporate media for perverse entertainment that now replaces journalism and an educated electorate.
We will not regress to a time when a woman carried the child of her rapist or was forced into back alley abortions.
The fearful crowd that screams the loudest serves the lowest common denominator among us. The same crowd in past centuries decried rock and roll to be “satanic,” blocked the door of education for people of color, and crucified their very own Christ.
It is time for a real conversation about what serves the greater GOOD of ALL of us: the humanity and creatures of this world who have every right to live, to end suffering, to thrive and to create a life that matters individually and collectively. That means we vote every day. We open our minds and our hearts to encompass more than our own individual beliefs. We don’t ignore or walk away from suffering if we can help, if we can heal, if we can stop it. We measure and create a space for conversation on new ways of thinking, of being part of the collective advancement and evolution to a future that works for all of us, not just a few of us.
We dismantle the oligarchy and the rights of the corporate plutocracy that have driven our global economy into the ground for their own gain and greed and profit, using human beings as collateral damage, fodder and dispensable tools. There are no more boundaries of nations in our world, therefore we must act as citizens and guardians of the globe as well defenders of the health and wellbeing of all its inhabitants. It is literally the battle for our soul, and for our future. What is at stake has never been more clear and more palpable, and the volume is getting louder on both sides.
The lion no longer sleeps tonight. There is power in the awakening of those who feel the most powerless. It is time to stand up and claim our rights on every level, here and now:
We want a living wage, access to medical care and treatment, fair housing, unrigged global markets and justice in our court system.
We want affordable and/or free access to education, healthy food without poisonous chemicals, clean drinking water, and an end to the corporate cancer both literally and figuratively in our land, air, water and global economy.
We want separation of church and state, and an end to fanatic rhetoric bogarting the airwaves and inciting violence.
We want our place at the decision making table and will no longer tolerate being on the menu or serving as pawns in the military industrial complex’s game of perpetual war.
We want political change that will put an end to this hostage takeover and the stagnant seditious shills who run government, an end to the globally forced austerity that has stifled nations, families and individuals for over a decade.
We cannot outsource this revolution. This is our time and our responsibility to grab on to this soul rope and pull. All in. Now or never. PULL!
Lainey Hashorva is a freelance journalist, activist and advocate for homeowners fighting foreclosure, and building networks and think tanks to expose corruption and fraud in the banking industry.
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Ken Bachtold replied on
Your articles!
Although you don't name him specifically, everything you suggest screams Bernie Sanders for President! If he doesn't win, it will be "business as usual" for eternity! This is a once in a lifetime chance for change!