The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Climate Change
Wave of GMO Labeling Victories Emboldens States-Led Movement for Food Sovereignty
The East Coast has been getting attention for the state-by-state effort to label genetically-engineered food.
Practicing Random Acts of Kindly Conservation As Drought Grips California
In a state of emergency in which conservation is voluntary, citizens of the Golden State write their own individual water plans and adhere to their own rules.
Stepping Forward: America's Continental March to Demand Climate Action
The Great March for Climate Action threads through small towns, big cities and wide-open wilderness.
Asserting Community Bill of Rights, a Colorado City Files Suit to Halt Fracking
Residents of Lafayette, Colo., filed a first-of-its-kind class action lawsuit demanding their right to ban drilling.
Texas Fracking Verdict Puts Oil and Gas Industry On Notice About Toxic Emissions
Between February 2010 and July 2011, Lisa and Bob Parr filed 13 complaints about air pollution from gas and oil operations near their ranch in Wise County, Texas.
Marching Against Oil: More Tar Sands Resistance Is Rising, This Time In Quebec
The one-month-long Peoples for Mother Earth march across Quebec to protest TransCanada's Energy East pipeline will be the largest march in North America.
Call to Arms: An Invitation to Demand Action on Climate Change
Circle September 20 and 21 on your calendar, book a ticket to New York, and then I'll explain.
We Plant Seeds For Our Future When We March Against Monsanto
We're here to take our food supply back.
Under the Pavement Is Oil, And Above Ground Brews Resistance
Creative protests in this city have raised awareness and inspired a growing opposition to the Trans Mountain Pipeline – presenting lessons for others across Canada and the U.S. to follow.
As Fracking Steams Ahead In Ohio, Regulations and Public Safety Take a Back Seat
Gas drilling is booming and toxic waste is abundant in the state, where legislators have acted modestly to address growing health and environmental concerns.