The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
With Wendy Davis at the Helm, a 30-Day Abortion Battle Begins in Texas
Thousands surrounded the Texas Capitol on Monday as a historic battle takes shape over women’s reproductive rights in the state – a struggle that reached epic proportions after the People’s Filibuster of the Texas Senate last week.
Egypt's Military Eyes Return as Unprecedented Millions of Protesters Flood the Streets
Squares across Egypt were overwhelmed by the scale of popular participation and energy on Sunday, as protesters demanded an end to Morsi's reign in what some called the largest political assembly in world history.
Whistleblowing 2.0: From the Pentagon Papers to Bradley Manning to PRISM
From Edward Snowden’s bombshell revelations about the extent of state snooping, to the ongoing court martial of Private Bradley Manning, 2013 has become the year of the whistleblower.
Local Lawmaking: A Call for a Community Rights Movement
Communities like Wells Township, Pa. and Barnstead, N.H., are leading the way creating local governments — and establishing new laws — that protect the rights of citizens, not corporations.
With 22 Million and Counting, Egyptians Move to Oust Morsi
Egyptians are demanding early elections and an end to the Muslim Brotherhood rule in protests that are sweeping the nation today.
WikiLeaks' Baltasar Garzón: The Man Edward Snowden Wants On His Side
Best known as the superjudge who ordered the arrest of General Pinochet, the crusading legal head of WikiLeaks has been approached by the NSA whistleblower to represent him.
Revealed - "Sock Puppet" Software Allows U.S. Military to Creat Fake Online Identities
The U.S. military is developing software that will let it secretly manipulate social media sites by using fake online personas to influence internet conversations and spread pro-American propaganda.
Investigation: Tar Sands, ALEC and the Obstruction of Low-Carbon Fuel Standards
The American Legislative Exchange Council recently adopted a “model” bill from an oil-industry lobby group that would limit states' ability to negotiate “low-carbon fuel standards” designed to reduce the carbon output of transport fuels.
Portland's Austerity Resistance Movement Sparks Changes to City Budget
The false claim that Portland is broke was a strategy meant to rig the outcome of the hearings, push aside the issue of economic inequality, and leave communities fighting amongst themselves for crumbs.
Book Review - "What Then Must We Do?"
Gar Alperovitz's new book lists inspiring examples of worker-owned businesses and co-ops, and offers a powerful argument that radical change is needed in America — albeit an argument with some possible flaws.