The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Affordable Care Act
Revealed: Health Care Interests Intentionally Sowing “Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt”
The orchestrated, years-long "FUD" campaign has scared millions of Americans into believing that Obamacare represents a government takeover.
University of California Offers Free Med School to Address Looming Doc Shortage
Certain U.C. Riverside students who choose primary care and practice in the local community will get full scholarships
Moving Far Right, Google Funds Grover Norquist, Heritage Action, ALEC, Anti-Gov Groups
Google, the tech giant supposedly guided by its “don’t be evil” motto, has been funding a growing list of groups advancing the agenda of the Koch brothers.
Obamacare Faces New Threat at State Level from Corporate Mega-Lobby ALEC
A new proposal by the American Legislative Exchange Council, approved at its annual meeting in Chicago in August and published as a model bill for adoption by state assemblies nationwide, would scupper the federal health insurance exchanges.
Reich: The Triumph of the Right
Conservatives have won by shaping the national conversation around the size of government and the budget deficit, diverting attention away from the increasing concentration of wealth and income at the very top while most Americans fall behind.
Why Big Media Lied to Americans About the Government Shutdown
The shutdown was anything but an “ideological battle” as the L.A. Times and others tried to make us believe. Why don't the media lay proper blame?
A U.S. Soldier Talks About Shutdown and Government's Betrayal of a Promise
Matt Harrison, one of many U.S. Army Band musicians being dis-enrolled due to the federal shutdown, says Congress's decisions are based entirely on self-interest.
In Government Shutdown, "Nonessential" Federal Workers Are First To Go
On Tuesday, military recruiters, drug enforcement agents and National Weather Service meteorologists will be reporting for duty, while environmental engineers, food inspectors, labor statisticians and off-duty firefighters will not.
U.S. Government Begins "Tea Party" Shutdown
The extreme faction of the Republican party forced a stalemate over health care that has shut down the government.
40,000-Member Longshore Workers Union Quits the AFL-CIO
In a surprise move, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced its disaffiliation from the AFL-CIO just a week before the federation is set to hold its national convention in Los Angeles.