The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Confronting The Emerging Neo-Fascist Capitalism, Part I
Potential breaking points include the looming climate crisis, the overexploitation of resources, systemic problems within the financial system, and endemic, increasing inequality.
Act Out! [100] - What We Can Learn from Russia & It’s Time To Be Ungovernable
This week it's Act Out!'s 100th episode! In honor of that, we're taking a look at the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution – and more importantly, the parallels we can draw so that we might learn from history rather than repeat it.
Thanks to Bernie, "Socialism" Is Most Looked-Up Word of 2015 on Merriam-Webster
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders sparked a 169% rise in look-ups, says the U.S. dictionary publisher, which “shows the term has moved beyond its cold war associations.”
Acronym TV [44] - Bernie Sanders v. Hillary Clinton, Round 1
In this week’s Acronym TV with Dennis Trainor, Jr., we dive into the first of the six scheduled Democratic Presidential debates.
You Can Buy Your Occupy Wall Street Poster From Wal-Mart
Wal-Mart, one of the country's largest corporations, is selling Occupy Wall Street posters online. The company has itself been the target of demonstrations advocating for higher wages. On sale are large, panoramic posters of protesters camped out at Zuccotti Park in New York City, where the movement started in 2011.
Breaking Bad: Greed, Capitalism and Walter White’s Paper Empire
The story of Breaking Bad’s Walter White is, in many ways, also the story of the free market and the perils of capitalism, greed and success.
Five Strategies for the Next Great Progressive Push
We must move beyond tired ideas of "state capitalism" vs. "state socialism."
The Extremist Cult of Capitalism
Capitalism is a cult devoted to the ideals of privatization over the common good, profit over social needs, and control by a small group of people who defy the public's will.
Memo to Congress: Cut the Crap About Capitalism
Capitalism as it is used in the current lexicon of extreme partisan politics in Congress has nothing to do with economics.
The Digital Disruption: Technology and Economics for the 99%
Only by ending the corporate market system can the 99% create a new system based on use-value - value for actual human needs - and enable us to use the full capabilities of technology to sustain human life.