The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Revealed: Blackstone Group Exploited Foreclosure Crisis And Seized Homes Cheap
The world's largest private equity firm has amassed an unprecedented rental empire by buying foreclosed homes at knock-off prices —from Queen Anne Victorians in Atlanta to brick-faced bungalows in Chicago to Spanish revivals in Phoenix.
Global Power Project: Central Bankers and the Institute of International Finance, Part 3
The relationship between the powerfully connected Institute of International Finance and global central bankers goes well beyond the timid attempts at “regulation” on the part of global banks, as this third segment in the IFF series reveals.
What Fine? Why JPMorgan Is Laughing All the Way to the Bank
The $13 billion fine on civil charges, including $4 billion in direct assistance to swindled homeowners in mostly depressed inner city neighborhoods, is to be applauded. But it represents only about half of the profit JPMorgan garnered last year.
JPMorgan Chase Fined Historic $13 Billion for Mortgage Fraud
The settlement between America's largest bank and the Department of Justice was greater than the anticipated $11 billion, and will not release the bank from facing further criminal liability charges for its role in helping bring down the US economy.
Global Power Project: Exposing the Institute of International Finance, Part 1
The Institute of International Finance represents the very "visible hand" of financial markets, wielding immense influence and boasting unparalleled access to central bankers and top policymakers from around the world.
Economic Growth and Low Carbon Future Will Co-Exist
A report found that the key to reducing CO2 emissions while furthering growth is to harness technologies that radically decarbonize the energy sector.
Wall Street's Highest Executives at Goldman, Treasury and FED Implicated By Citigroup Whistleblower
Hank Paulson and Robert Rubin are among the corporate executives / government leaders threatened by Richard Bowen's truth-telling, which is why the former Citibank Executive's story of criminal injustice hasn't made it out.
JPMorgan Hit With $920 Million Fines for $6 Billion London Whale Derivatives Scandal
JPMorgan Chase has agreed to pay $920 million in penalties to U.S. and U.K. regulators over the "unsafe and unsound practices" that led to its $6.2 billion London Whale losses last year.
Ex-Wall Street Chieftains Living Large in Post-Meltdown World
The Center for Public Integrity looks at what happened to five former Wall Street kingpins to see what they are up to these days. None are in jail, nor are any criminal charges expected to be filed.
In Deference to Great Men: Aaron Sorkin vs. the Occupy Movement
Surely, the Occupy Movement had its flaws, but the decision to avoid allowing the Movement to be co-opted by Congress was one of the strengths of Occupy, not its fatal flaw as "The Newsroom's" Will McAvoy alleges.