The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Dallas Goldtooth
American Indians Gather (Occupy) in D.C. for 4-Day Protest Against Trump, Dakota Access Pipeline
Starting Tuesday, tribal members and supporters plan to camp each day on the National Mall, with teepees, a ceremonial fire, cultural workshops and speakers, culminating with a Friday march on the White House.
Pipeline Protesters Vow to Stay Camped on Federal Land
Standing Rock Sioux tribal leader Dave Archambault confidently explained that they'll stay at the Oceti Sakowin camp and continue with nonviolent protests despite the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' threat to close the camp on Dec. 5.
Police Deploy Water Hoses, Tear Gas Against Standing Rock Protesters
Law enforcement officials deployed water hoses in freezing temperatures Sunday against hundreds of protesters decrying the construction of the Dakota Access oil pipeline.
Act Out! [41] - Best of Paris: Activists Have the Last Word
Here is a "best of" compilation of our Paris climate coverage from start to finish, ending with protests that embodied the growing global climate justice movement.
Acronym TV [50] - Trump Jumps the Shark, Paris Climate Summit Ends With Protests
Activists are preparing for massive 12.12.12. protests (Dec. 12 at 12pm) as the 21st UN climate summit concludes, in the words of Chris Hedges, “with lofty rhetoric and ineffectual cosmetic reforms.”