The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Department of Homeland Security
Documents Show Feds Regularly Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters Nationwide
The reports confirm social media surveillance of the movement and related events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York – including watching over vigils, parades and other benign gatherings.
Exposed: Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools to Track and Kill Activists, Part IV
New but little-known Pentagon directives authorize the use of armed drones against American citizens in the homeland in the context of domestic emergencies.
Pentagon Funds New Data-Mining Tools To Track and Kill Activists, Part III
Arizona State University’s Defense Department-sponsored data-mining algorithms would enhance CIA "signature" drone strike targeting.
Could The Civil Rights Movement Have Happened In Today's Militarized Police State?
Can peacefully exercising First Amendment rights create lasting change if police have weaponry and, apparently, legal authority to immediately and violently disperse crowds?
The Fourth Branch: The Rise to Power of the National Security State
The 17 major intelligence outfits in the U.S. have been growing, some at prodigious rates, as they outsource their operations to private contractors in staggering numbers.
Democracy On Trial: From Boston to London, Surveillance Is Now the Status Quo
Have people become accustomed to the idea that a spy center established to monitor and catch terrorists is keeping records of the perfectly legal political activities of a wide variety of organizers and groups?
FBI Used No-Fly List to Bully Muslims Into Becoming Informers
Naveed Shinwari hasn’t seen his wife in 26 months. He suspects it’s because he refused to become an informant for the FBI.
Cops Or Soldiers: Why Are Paramilitary SWAT Teams Now Everywhere?
The number of SWAT deployments in small American cities soared even as violent crime fell – driven not by need, but by fear of being left behind by larger security forces.
U.S. Border Patrol Ordered to Stop Shooting at Vehicles, Rock Throwers
The head of the U.S. Border Patrol has reversed a controversial policy that led to at least 19 deaths.
Meet the Company That Can Track Everywhere You've Been and Tell Police About It
A security company collects data from license plate readers and shares it with police and federal law enforcement, no warrant needed.