The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Donald Trump
The Rise of Trump Shows the Danger and Sham of Compelled Journalistic “Neutrality”
Imagine calling yourself a journalist, and then — as you watch an authoritarian politician get closer to power by threatening violence and stoking the ugliest impulses — denouncing not that politician, but the journalists who warn of those dangers.
Jasiri X Talks Black Lives Matter and the 2016 Presidential Race
Hip hop artist and social justice activist Jasiri X joins me to discuss Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton and who should get the black vote in 2016.
Robert Reich: 4 Reasons Ted Cruz is Even More Dangerous than Donald Trump... in 2 minutes.
Robert Reich breaks down why Ted Cruz is more dangerous than Donald Trump.
Acronym TV [55]: Flint Water Crisis, Iowa Caucus Debacle, Obama Signs the TPP
Congressional hearings on the Flint water crisis were convened on Wednesday – but two people who should be in the hot seat weren't there. Next up, Iowa Caucus: Is this what Democracy looks like? And Obama signs the TPP.
The Populist Revolution: Bernie and Beyond
From the Syriza Party in Greece and the Podemos Party in Spain, to the rise of Jeremy Corbyn, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, contenders with their fingers on the popular pulse are surging ahead of their establishment rivals.
Act Out! [46] - Some Facts Over Fiction, A Presidential Obsession & Less Meat 4 the Planet
This week, politicians lie – and we're buying it? Let's do some fact checking and lie wrecking post-State of the Union and mid-presidential primary madness.
Acronym TV 2015 Year in Review: War, Protest and Politics
A look back on some of the biggest stories of the year – from what to do about the threat of ISIS, to the unlikely rise of a socialist Senator from Vermont.
The Revolt of the Anxious Class Has Just Begun
For years I’ve listened to their growing anger – in union halls and bars, in coal mines and beauty parlors, on the Main Streets and byways of the washed-out backwaters of America.
Acronym TV [50] - Trump Jumps the Shark, Paris Climate Summit Ends With Protests
Activists are preparing for massive 12.12.12. protests (Dec. 12 at 12pm) as the 21st UN climate summit concludes, in the words of Chris Hedges, “with lofty rhetoric and ineffectual cosmetic reforms.”
Acronym TV [48] - ISIS Threatens Attack on America, Trump's Making American White Again + More
ISIS is planning an Attack on America – what lessons can we learn from the post 9-11 era, and how respond to such an attack? Then, what to do about Donald Trump's not-so-silent majority that's starting to scream "White Power"?