The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
economic justice
Why the 'One Percent' In the U.S. Is Worried
The wealthy elite increasingly recognizes that the socioeconomic status quo in the U.S. is unsustainable.
Rebel Cities 20: With Hip-Hop As Sound Track, Young Senegalese Say Enough Is Enough
The Y’en a Marre ("We Are Fed Up") movement, which traveled the country raising awareness about the need to vote, played a crucial role helping defeat Senegal's two-term president in 2012.
'Time for a Moral Confrontation': Poor People's Campaign Launches With Local Rallies Nationwide
The campaign, with an emphasis on voter mobilization and civil disobedience, will include 40 days of demonstrations culminating in a massive protest on June 23 in Washington, D.C.
Can Public Banks Help Re-Write Our Financial Worldview?
The case for public banking begins by deconstructing the creation of money and, in a fairly stunning revelation if you’ve never heard it before, discussing how banks create “new money” when they make loans.
Would Dr. King Take a Knee? 6 Ways His Radical Spirit Lives Today
“We must realize,” said Dr. King, “that the problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.”
10 Amazing Social Movement Struggles in 2017 that Give Us Reason To Hope
From a mining ban in El Salvador and a new law targeting transnational corporations in France, to the popular resistance fighting the Trump agenda in the U.S. and the global rollback of failed privatization schemes, progress is afoot.
Part II: 34 Ways America’s Legal System Hurts the Poor
The German playwright Bertolt Brecht said many things about the law as it relates to capitalism. His most memorable quote: “The law was made for one thing alone," he wrote, "for the exploitation of those who don't understand it.”
Fancy Forms of Paperwork and the Logic of Financial Violence
Five years after Occupy, organizer and anthropologist David Graeber speaks to ROAR about the power of finance, the history of inequality and the legacy of the movement.
California's $15 Minimum Wage Earthquake
Workers, more than half of them women and Latinos, will receive on average one quarter more in wages, or about $3,700 per year adjusted for inflation.
Musical "Zuccotti Park" Brings Economic Justice to New York International Fringe Festival
The musical "Zuccotti Park" brings economic justice to the New York International Fringe Festival.