The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Which Is More Terrifying: Google or Facebook?
Relentlessly, the two companies are pushing toward a dystopian future in which privacy is null and we wear social networks on our faces.
Six Examples of Wildly Overpaid Rich Folks (And the Teachers We Could Have Gotten for That Money)
The money people command in the marketplace tells us something about our society.
How the NSA Plans to Infect "Millions" of Computers with Malware
The NSA used Facebook as a Trojan horse to infect targets with malware.
Google and Yahoo Furious Over Reports that NSA Secretly Intercepts Data Links
Leaked files suggest the NSA, in partnership with its British counterpart GCHQ, is collecting information "at will" by intercepting cables that connect Google and Yahoo's data hubs.
Even Google Is Doing Evil with ALEC
Quietly, Google has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate alliance that pushes odious laws through state legislatures: cutting taxes for mega-corporations and the wealthy, privatizing schools and killing clean energy.
What are Facebook and Google Doing in Bed with Climate Deniers?
We propose the “No Deniers Rule” as a good starting place for any company that wants to be on the right side of history in the climate fight — that goes for the tech giants that falsely burnish green credentials while supporting climate destruction.
Edward Snowden Is Not the Story — the Fate of the Internet Is
The mainstream media's focus on Edward Snowden has trumped the real story — which is what the NSA revelations tell us about how our networked world actually works and the direction in which it is heading.
Revealed: How Walmart, Exxon and Coke Buy Latino Friends in Congress
Seven weeks into the 113th Congress, as lawmakers began work on immigration reform and a tax code overhaul, powerful corporate lobbyists in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute scored premium access to politicians.
Facebook Paid No Corporate Income Tax Last Year After Making More Than $1 Billion
Between 2008 and 2011, 26 major corporations were able to pay no federal corporate income tax.
Facebook Funneled Nearly Half a Billion Pounds Into the Cayman Islands Last Year
The social media giant funneled £440m into an Irish sister company in 2011, which then shifted the money into a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands.