The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
housing bubble
Dark Matter: Too-Big-To-Fail Hibernates in Opaque Derivatives Markets
Much of the "over-the-counter" derivatives market remains outside the radar of regulators, who are supposed to monitor the risks it poses.
U.S. Cities May Be Taking Banks to Court For the Foreclosure Crisis
From L.A. to Miami to Providence, families who lost their homes weren’t the only ones hurt by the foreclosure crisis – so there’s an argument to be made that they shouldn’t be the only ones who can go after the lenders.
Rent Strikes From San Francisco to London: "Together We Can Defeat the Housing Market"
“This community is being displaced by the greed and avarice of property pimps preying on the weak and the disenfranchised."
Struggling Homeowners: Where's P.E.T.E. When We Need Him?
Struggling homeowners are in desperate need of some new rules for the mortgage modification “Three Card Monty” shuffle.
Federal Reserve Targets Asset Bubbles In Warning to Wall Street – But Is It Listening?
Recent statements by Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen – who said that certain markets, like biotech and social media, are overvalued – mark a potential revolution in how central banks worldwide could act.
Absurd Record Costs Of London Commercial Real Estate Reflects Widened Wealth Gap
As office buildings surpass the height of the property boom prices in 2007, London’s extreme commercial property costs are representative of today's outrageous levels of wealth and expenditures.
Blood On Bankers' Hands As More than 10,000 Suicides Attributed to Great Recession
Researchers in London and Oxford suggest sprawling numbers of suicides in Europe and North America are linked to the severe economic downturn brought on by the 2008 financial crisis.
Landlords on Wall Street: The New Housing Scheme
A massive land grab has once again turned our homes into dangerous financial products.
In Defiance of Wall Street, Richmond, Calif., Declares Eminent Domain For Underwater Mortgages
In a precedent-setting case, the Richmond City Council voted 4 to 3 to use the city’s power of eminent domain to force banks to sell underwater loans to the city, allowing homeowners to restructure their mortgages.
Global Power Project, Part 5: Banking on Influence With Goldman Sachs
We examined a total of 83 individuals at Goldman Sachs, including executives, members of the board of directors and several advisory boards, to uncover their connections within some of the world's powerful institutions.