The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Monsanto, After Patent Victory Over DuPont, Creates World's Largest GMO Monopoly
Now that the two companies have agreed to partner together, the world faces a much larger threat in the form of a massive GMO cartel controlled by Monsanto.
Hawaiians Against Monsanto: The Struggle to Reclaim Paradise
Hawaii is the world’s ground zero for chemical testing and food engineering, with companies like Monsanto executing thousands of open-field-test experiments of pesticide-resistant crops over the last 20 years.
Look out Monsanto: The Global Food Movement Is Rising
The book Harvesting Justice isn’t just a look at the world’s most exciting food justice groups—it’s also a knockout organizing tool.
Farmers-Consumers vs. Monsanto: Many Davids Can Topple One Goliath
Global resistance to Monsanto is growing as people rise up to reclaim food and seed sovereignty.
Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act
Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland released a statement apologizing to the public for the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, stating the legislation was buried deep in a government spending bill to "prevent a government shutdown."
How the Monsanto Protection Act Became Law
This week, Monsanto its lobbyists successfully shoved through legislation that effectively makes oversight of GMO food void.
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act Into Law, Sparking Protests
Farmers protest after President Obama signs the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
ALEC Is Now Deciding What You Eat
It's time to knock down ALEC's factory-farm abuse cover-up efforts, so every American can see the truth – and the pain – behind the food they eat.
Monsanto's Death Grip on Your Food
It increasingly appears that Monsanto is patenting death, perhaps even more so than life.
Revealed: "Monsanto Protection Act" Trumps U.S. Government
Monsanto snuck a "rider" last week into the latest Senate agricultural legislation, giving the biotech giant blanket immunity from USDA action to halt potentially harmful GMO crops.