The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Service Employees International Union
Fast Food Workers Strike Nationwide
Thousands of fast food and retail workers are striking across the United States on Thursday to push for a $15 hourly wage.
BART Strike Gets Called Off, But Worker Concerns Are Growing
Transit workers and BART management stand tens of millions of dollars apart on a number of vital issues including pay, pension and health care. Though the governor halted the strike this week, future prospects for agreement look grim.
Revealed: How Walmart, Exxon and Coke Buy Latino Friends in Congress
Seven weeks into the 113th Congress, as lawmakers began work on immigration reform and a tax code overhaul, powerful corporate lobbyists in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute scored premium access to politicians.
NYC Fast Food Workers Strike, Attempt to Unionize
Fast-food workers at several restaurants in New York walked off the job Thursday, firing the first salvo in the biggest effort to unionize fast-food workers ever undertaken in the United States.
Portland to Protest Austerity
Community groups, Occupy Portland and unions including SEIU, CWA and Letter Carriers will march on Oregon's largest city Nov. 3 as they take aim at proposed government austerity cuts, and demand larger taxes on corporations and the wealthy.