The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
student loans
The Grand Strategy To Cast Off the Corporate State
This is a strategic memorandum to all movement organizers, social justice organizations, and free citizens disgusted with a corporate state that has systematically extracted our wealth and resources while giving back nothing in return.
You Are Not A Loan: It's Time To Reduce Student Debt To Zero
The entire structure of financing higher education in the U.S. is broken – and superficial reform means nothing until we make tuition free.
Spending Not Lending: How Government Can End the Student Debt Crisis Today
Instead of loaning students money, the federal government could just pay for the tuition without causing any significant economic problems. There is no fiscal reason why the student debt crisis should exist.
Germany Abolishes College Tuition Fees
“We got rid of tuition fees because we do not want higher education which depends on the wealth of the parents."
The Subprime Education Scandal: For-Profit Colleges and America's Factories of Debt
With student loan debt quadrupling between 2003 and 2013, it’s time to ask whether education alone – not to mention the kind that robs you for profit – can move people up the class ladder.
Five Ways Occupy Wall Street Is Making Inroads Across America
From defending homeowners against unlawful foreclosure to opposing skyrocketing student debt and bolstering the low wage workers movement, seeds planted by Occupy continue to spread and grow.
As Tennessee Law Offers Free College Tuition, Other States Prepare to Follow
A new bill provides two years of tuition at a community college for participating high school grads who might otherwise face a 7.5 percent unemployment rate – and other states are already following suit.
The American Bankers Association and the Quiet War on Students
Exposed: For half a century, the ABA has actively fought against the interests of students by lobbying to make it harder for students to avoid loan default.
Do Not Forgive, Do Not Forget: These 37 U.S. Senators Just Voted Against Students
There is no economic argument against the student loan refinancing bill that Republicans killed this week in Congress, which would have stimulated the economy by putting $63 billion into struggling peoples' pockets.
The Class of 2014 Just Made History: Highest Ever In Student Debt
Congratulations, class of 2014! You're officially the most indebted class ever.