The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Trans-Pacific Partnership
How U.S. Cities Are Fighting Back Against the TPP and Fast Track
While lawmakers are pushing full steam ahead, city officials are making their own concerns about the legislation crystal clear.
Can Non-Wall Street Democrats Present a Real Plan To Empower Workers?
Abandoned for decades by a party eager to cozy up to Wall Street and advance a neoliberal economic agenda, unions are once again being lauded by top Democratic Party leaders. But what's behind the warm embrace?
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Death of the Republic
A blatantly unconstitutional trade deal, the TPP would destroy our republican form of government under the rule of law by elevating the rights of investors – also called the rights of “capital” – above the rights of citizens.
Why Bernie Sanders Is the Only Populist Candidate for President
Whether or not this opponent of the billionaire class, corporate greed, Wall Street and environmental degradation – and this champion of working people, the unemployed, retirees, and student debtors – is our next president will be entirely up to us.
Bernie Sanders Intervenes on Senate Floor Slowing Fast Track for TPP
This job-killing trade deal has been negotiated in secret, drafted with input by special interests and corporate lobbyists but not from the American people.
Tens Of Thousands March In Europe to Protest Rigged Corporate Trade
“We are convinced that the entire public interest is at stake, whether water, energy, health, and public transport – the communities are largely deprived of their ability to act."
A People's Block Rises to Challenge Congress On Fast Track Trade Deal
When the bill drops (if it does) this week, there will be a powerful people’s response across the country and around the world.
Playing 1% Rules: Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Won't Help Workers Or Consumers
The TPP is a classic expression of the way the rules are fixed to benefit the few and not the many: It has been negotiated in secret, and corporations and banks help shape it.
Wikileaks Releases Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Investment Chapter
The classified document, which was supposed to be kept secret for four years, highlights the creation of a supra-national court where foreign firms can "sue" states and obtain taxpayer compensation for "expected future profits."
David Graeber's Utopia of Rules: Why Deregulation Is Actually Expanding Bureaucracy
His new book asserts that the 1% pushes a message of deregulation even as it feeds off an ever-growing global regulatory system of its own making.