The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
water is life
Act Out! [143] - Psychology of the Fight, Good News, Nuns vs. Pipelines & the Water Protector’s Hub
This week, Kiilu Nyasha takes us into the New Year with some words of wisdom from a woman who's seen decades of what works and what doesn't.
[Act Out! 104] - Wealthcare vs. Healthcare & Suing Trump Over Standing Rock
This week on Act Out, the GOP’s attempt to repeal Obamacare — kinda. In reality, the new American Health Care Act is just a shittier version of the ACA — and we give you a bullet-pointed rundown on how.
Act Out! [90] - Standing Rock: Latest Updates & What’s to Come
This week, in a special episode, we dig into the latest news from Standing Rock.
Act Out! [79] - What You Need to Know about Dakota Access Pipeline & How a Coal Mine Became a Forest
This week, the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline rages on, despite a joint statement asking Big Oil to play nice.