It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Web of Resistance: How the End of Net Neutrality Marks the Next Battle for the 99%
Net neutrality is essential for the exercise of free speech online. If access to the open Internet isn't guaranteed, freedom of speech can't be guaranteed, either.
Our Legacy of Discrimination – And Why the Constitution Must Guarantee The Right to Vote
Many people are surprised to learn that the U.S. Constitution contains no affirmative right to vote. Yet voting seems to most people to be the most obvious, important vehicle they have.
Tear Gas and Smoke Bombs Cloud Kiev As Violent Ukraine Protests Continue
The mainly peaceful protests that have paralyzed the city for two months erupted spectacularly into violence on Sunday evening, with pitched battles between riot police and protesters.
How Occupy the S.E.C. has Impacted the Volcker Rule, Fueling Insitutional Support
In terms of historical comparisons, Occupy the S.E.C. reminds me of various elements of populism that the United States experienced at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries.
How NYPD's Use Of Civil Forfeiture Is Robbing Poor New Yorkers
Twice ruled unconstitutional, the civil forfeiture process has long been used by the NYPD to seize money from those least likely to be able to get it back.
Now Is the Moment to Save Our Postal Commons
Because postal services, owned by the people, are part of the commons, the attack on public postal utilities amounts to an attack on the commons itself.
Leaked Trans-Pacific Partnership Document Reveals Failed Enforcement of Environmental Protections
The once seemingly invincible largest trade bill in history, covering 40% of the world’s economy, looks very much like it can be defeated. Let's put a stake in it.
Chris Christie and the Koch in Cahoots? Time to Subpoena the Committee for Our Children's Future
In 2012, a Koch-backed, tax-exempt "social welfare organization" called Committee for Our Children's Future, CCF, ran a series of TV ads telling America that Governor Christie had performed more miracles in New Jersey than Jesus did with loaves and fish.
Suppressing Science, Supporting Monsanto: An Academic Journal Retracts
Scientific journal publishing reached a low point in November, when the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology