It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
How Payday Lenders Are Beating Back Reform in Alabama
The payday loan industry has made sure Alabama lawmakers are swimming in dirty cash and consistently stifling reform.
Keep It In the Ground: These 10 Victories Show A Growing, Winning Climate Movement
Cancelled pipelines. Rejected terminals. Shelved lease sales. Here are just a few of the polluting projects that have been squashed in the face of mounting public opposition and a burgeoning cry to keep fossil fuels in the ground.
US Doctors Call for Universal Healthcare: "Abolish the Insurance Companies"
A group of more than 2,000 physicians is calling for the establishment of a government-run universal healthcare system in the US, saying the Affordable Care Act didn't go far enough in removing barriers to healthcare access.
College Would Be Free In America If Corporations Paid Reagan-Era Taxes
Big businesses paid an effective tax rate of nearly 32 percent during Reagan’s eight years in office, but under Obama they have enjoyed paying just 22.8 percent – the average annual difference coming out to around $166 billion in corporate profit.
Funding Crisis Escalates As British Schools Face Sharpest Cuts Since the 1970s
With more teachers being made redundant, class sizes swelling, head teachers wrestling with holes in their budgets, the picture in Britain’s modern-day classrooms is bleak.
Can the Climate Movement Break Free from the "Jobs Vs. Environment" Debate?
A growing green industry born of the United States’ hostile labor climate is unlikely to produce steady, good paying jobs without a fight.
U.S. Cities May Be Taking Banks to Court For the Foreclosure Crisis
From L.A. to Miami to Providence, families who lost their homes weren’t the only ones hurt by the foreclosure crisis – so there’s an argument to be made that they shouldn’t be the only ones who can go after the lenders.
Colorado Supreme Court Blocks Local Bans on Fracking, Handing Gift to Big Oil
The state's highest court on Monday halted cities' efforts to limit oil and gas development near people, ruling state power to promote industry trumps local bans, which the court deemed "invalid and unenforceable."
Snowden: Whistleblowing Is Not Just Leaking — It’s an Act of Political Resistance
The act of whistleblowing increasingly has become an act of political resistance: the whistleblower raises the alarm and lifts the lamp, inheriting the legacy of a line of Americans that begins with Paul Revere.
This Michigan House Candidate Wants to Bring Material Democracy To Detroit
Dennis Black is a revolutionary running for office in Michigan, who says we need grassroots activists to re-make the law.