There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Obama Calls for "Free and Universal" Community College
“I want to make it free because, in America, a quality education cannot be a privilege reserved for the few.”
The Road to Serfdom, Part I
This is not what was envisioned at the peak of the Industrial Revolution.
Vermonters Lobby for A Public Bank — And Win Millions for Local Investment Instead
Public banking advocates may not have gotten the state bank they wanted – but they were able to pass new rules that will extend loans to local projects.
Why Occupy Democracy Threatens the British Establishment at its Core
With waves of peaceful protest ramping up this winter and spring, Britain has a lot more democracy to look forward to ahead of the May election.
Welcome to "The Era of the People": Jean-Luc Mélenchon Envisions a Citizens' Revolution
The author's short tome makes the case that “the people” are the new social agent for fundamental social change driven by a growing ecological crisis.
The Prison State of America
Prisons are prototypes for the future – where a million prisoners who currently work for corporations and government industries are models for what the corporate state expects us all to become
From Colorado to Texas to Ohio, Oil Industry Retaliates Against Local Fracking Bans
Longmont, Colo., has become a cautionary tale of what can happen when cities decide to confront the oil and gas industry – which claims it has a right to extract underground minerals despite voter-approved drilling bans.
French Muslims Fear Surge of Islamophobia after Charlie Hebdo Attack
Muslims in Paris brace for fallout after one of the deadliest attacks in 50 years.
Four Marches, Two Weeks, One Destination: The New Hampshire Rebellion To Get Money Out of Politics
The New Hampshire Rebellion embarks on its third march to recruit citizens in the fight against systemic corruption in Washington.
A Crude Bet: Is the U.S. Foreign Policy Establishment Risking the Farm on Oil Deflation?
Lowering oil costs is a brilliant strategic move in terms of punishing official enemies – but when you factor in the damage it could cause to the financial system, it's a little like shooting yourself in the face to remove a wart from your nose.