It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Practicing Random Acts of Kindly Conservation As Drought Grips California
In a state of emergency in which conservation is voluntary, citizens of the Golden State write their own individual water plans and adhere to their own rules.
A New Foundation Called Courage: Defending the Truth and Those Who Tell It
In Berlin on Wednesday, a new international organization launched with the purpose of ensuring safety and legality for whistleblowers like Edward Snowden.
Do Not Forgive, Do Not Forget: These 37 U.S. Senators Just Voted Against Students
There is no economic argument against the student loan refinancing bill that Republicans killed this week in Congress, which would have stimulated the economy by putting $63 billion into struggling peoples' pockets.
Amid Outcry and Occupation, Albuquerque to Pay $6 Million for Wrongful Police Shooting
The ruling comes as the city’s police department faces scathing criticism over excessive use of deadly force, with 23 fatal police shootings since 2010.
When Will America – And Our Universities – Confront the Horrors of Rape Culture?
A U.C. Berkeley lawsuit blaming the campus for inaction on tackling sexual violence has provoked an outpouring of discussion and sparked demonstrations across the country.
Stepping Forward: America's Continental March to Demand Climate Action
The Great March for Climate Action threads through small towns, big cities and wide-open wilderness.
An Ex-Banker and Occupier Walk Into A Jail. Guess Which One's Serving Time?
Cecily McMillan is behind bars, unlike any of the architects of the financial crisis. In this exclusive conversation she explains why her sentence serves a purpose.
Apple and Starbucks Under In-Depth Investigation For Tax Dodging In Europe
Large multinationals need to pay their fair share of taxes.
The Lessons From Tiananmen: Twelve Rules of Revolt
The most potent weapon in the hands of nonviolent protesters is fraternizing with and educating civil servants, as well as the police and soldiers who suffer from the same economic inequality.
Lawmakers In Sacramento Push Forward Two Bills To End the Influence of Money In Politics
SB1272 and AJR1 are key examples of grassroots movements using the system to change the system – to #GetMoneyOut of politics.