It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
20,000 Macedonians Take to the Streets Demanding Government's Resignation
The Balkan country has been thrown into political crisis with the government implicated in a massive wire-tapping scandal and rigged elections, the opposition leader accused of plotting a coup, and 18 shot dead last week in a bloody gun battle.
B.C. First Nation Group Rejects $1 Billion Offer for Natural Gas Terminal on Ancestral Lands
"This is not a money issue: this is environmental and cultural."
Thousands of Kayaktivists Swarm Shell Drilling Rig In Seattle
People from, Greenpeace and other organizations as well as media outlets from around the U.S. showed up to support and document the huge flotilla event.
Does Emergence of Scottish Power Signal the End of the United Kingdom?
Britain’s election shows it's no longer a united kingdom, that Scottish independence is increasingly likely – and that the new Conservative government will only further fracture an already deeply unequal society.
Moratorium Now! Tax Foreclosures On Thousands of Detroit Homes Will Have Devastating Effects
If carried out as expected, this year's tax foreclosures in Detroit will comprise the largest number of foreclosures in any municipality in history – and they're not even being carried out by big heartless banks, but rather by local government.
U.S. Taxpayers Subsidizing World's Biggest Fossil Fuel Companies
A Guardian investigation of three specific projects run by Shell, ExxonMobil and Marathon Petroleum reveals that the subsidies were all granted by politicians who received significant campaign contributions from the fossil fuel industry.
Targeting Solutions Rather Than Crises, A San Francisco Gathering Asks "What's Possible?"
A gathering of people from around the world at the first ever event known as PossibL, happening later this month in San Francisco, seeks to shed light less on the crises we face and more on the solutions to those crises.
Bernie Sanders's "Political Revolution" Can Only Come About if He Abandons the Democrats
Bernie's message of taking on the billionaire class, making four-year college free and breaking up the big banks is resonating with everyday folks – and if he breaks with the Democrats to run as an Independent, his support will surge.
What We Learned from Occupying our University
Our occupation at the London School of Economics ended successfully, but the global free education movement will continue.
The Emerging Populist Agenda
The emergence of a populist reform agenda that is driving the debate inside and outside the Democratic Party is a stunning turn of a events.