It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Rent a Cop: The Big, Shady (But Legal) Business of Secondary Policing
It's been over a month since 18-year-old Vonderrit Myers, Jr. was killed by a St. Louis police officer.
Spending Not Lending: How Government Can End the Student Debt Crisis Today
Instead of loaning students money, the federal government could just pay for the tuition without causing any significant economic problems. There is no fiscal reason why the student debt crisis should exist.
The Curse of Oil In Uganda: As Black Gold Emerges, So Does Fear Of Economic Disease
With a $150 million World Bank loan, the Ugandan government plans to construct roads to service oil companies, provide scholarships for oil workers and fund an oil institute. But what about helping its own people?
Coal-Free By 2025: Why Denmark Leads the Global Fight Against Climate Change
The Nordic nation of 5.6 million has been at the forefront of wind power innovation since the 1890s, when one of its leading scientists, Poul la Cour, began testing turbines.
Is Detroit's Bankruptcy "Plan of Adjustment" The Latest Giveaway to Big Banks?
The plan submitted by the city's emergency manager protects banks, gives away public resources, and has no method to revitalize the city.
Protests Rock Czech Republic and Hungary on 25th Anniversary of Velvet Revolution
While celebrating the historic anniversary in Prague on Monday, thousands of Czechs called for President Zeman to step down.
Hong Kong Police Clear Part of Pro-Democracy Protests, But Occupation Remains
Barricades were torn down this week at Admiralty as authorities enforced a court order, but other areas remained occupied by demonstrators.
Global Power Project: Meet the Bilderberg Group, High Priests of Globalization
They meet behind closed doors, at five-star hotels, away from the prying eyes of the public.
These Seven Giant U.S. Corporations Pay Their CEOs More Than They Pay In Taxes
Boeing, Chevron, Citigroup, Ford, Verizon, JPMorgan Chase and General Motors declared more than $74 billion in combined U.S. pre-tax profits in 2013 – and paid their CEOs on average $17.3 million each.
American Rich Beware: The Peasants Still Have Their Pitchforks
Americans want what 21st century politics has so far not delivered: real options for challenging concentrated wealth.