In a political earthquake last year, the populist and racist Reform Party took 4.1 million votes, coming third, against a backdrop of collapsing living standards and accelerating impoverishment.
Facebook, Google, Apple, Twitter Coalition Lobbies Senate Bill To Curb NSA Surveillance
The Reform Government Surveillance coalition, including the biggest names in consumer technology, has backed a U.S. bill that would limit surveillance and prevent bulk email collection.
Do We Live on a One-Party Planet?
A new pamphlet, released today, is an attempt to answer this question – and the case we make is, yes, it not only makes sense to think of planetary control in these terms, but it is essential.
Paying Up, Bottoming Out—Why the Payday Loan Crisis Must Be Stopped
Consumer watchdog groups, payday borrowers and victims of payday theft need to come together to end the practice that creates a never-ending cycle of debt.
Dupont Plant Leak Kills Four In Latest Texas Chemical Disaster
"It's a nuisance smell in the area. It's a smell that's traveled quite far," said Jeff Suggs, emergency management coordinator for La Porte, where the company's accident occurred.
Net Neutrality Shows People Can Make the Politically Impossible the Politically Inevitable
Last week was a turning point in a seven month campaign to save the Internet – proof that even in a government corrupted by money, united and mobilized people who act strategically with creative tactics can win.
Walmart Workers Promise Biggest Black Friday Strike Ever
Organizers from OUR Walmart are expecting to see protests in 1,600 stores nationwide, as employees at more than 2,100 Walmarts have signed a petition asking for higher wages and better working conditions.
“¡Ya Me Canse!” – After Student Killings, Are the Mexican People Finally Demanding Change?
Mexico's population is now making itself heard – tired of a tiny elite that treats them like subjects rather than citizens, and tired of the criminal gangs that terrorize them and corrupt the political process.
U.K. Coalition Government Helped Rich By Hammering Poor
The report to be released Monday shows key British politicians enabling a significant transfer of income from the least well-off half of the population to the more affluent in the past four years.
Unlike Corporations and Millionaires, Unions Disclose Midterms Dark Money
Not all dark money is the same – meaning the imbalance of disclosure requirements give corporations and wealthy individuals greater secrecy in elections than organized labor.
Saving the Planet, One Meal at a Time
With animal agriculture as the leading cause of species extinction, water pollution, ocean dead zones and habitat destruction, becoming vegan is the most important and direct change we can immediately make.