It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Secret $1.5 Million Donation from Wisconsin Billionaire Uncovered in Scott Walker Dark-Money Probe
Shocker: Scott Walker is corrupt.
If We Want Less Racism, We Need More Economic Justice
The Justice Department report on Ferguson demonstrates how economic hardship and racial tension feed off each other.
Head of U.S. Episcopal Church Says Climate Denial Is Immoral
Katharine Jefferts Schori, one of the most powerful women in Christianity, says those who reject the underlying science of climate change are turning their backs on God’s gift of knowledge.
Leak Over Privatized Cancer Care Exposes Latest For-Profit Blunder By U.K.'s Health Service
Last week saw the biggest leak in the history of the U.K. National Health Service, with the publication of a document that revealed clinical commissioning groups were looking for a private company to accept a £1.2 billion contract for cancer care.
Documents Reveal Canada’s Secret Hacking Tactics
Canada has adopted aggressive tactics to attack, sabotage and infiltrate targeted computer systems.
The New American Order
Welcome to 1% Elections, the privatization of the State, a fourth branch of government, and the demobilization of "We the People."
Chicago's Mayor 1% Funnelled Teacher Pensions Into His Own Donors' Hedge Funds
A report that Rahm Emanuel’s administration invested money from the city teachers’ union in private equity funds run by some of the mayor’s biggest campaign donors is adding fuel to the charges that he neglects all but his wealthy backers.
Student Debt: A Penalty the Poor Pay for Not Being Wealthy
Until the federal government gets serious about bailing out America’s students and instituting free, public higher education for all who apply, America’s student debtors should refuse to make any further payments.
Obama Administration Issues New Fracking Rules to Mixed Response
The Obama administration on Friday made its most significant move yet toward regulating hydraulic fracturing, forcing companies to disclose which chemicals they're injecting into the ground and enabling government inspection of drill sites.
Gates Foundation Faces Pressure To Divest $1.4 Billion In Fossil Fuels
The Guardian's "Keep It In the Ground" campaign, which launched last week and already has 136,000 supporters, is asking the world's largest charity to dump its investments in firms "dedicated to finding and burning more oil, gas and coal."