There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Leaked Emails Reveal Close Ties Between Heritage Foundation and Lockheed Martin
Defense contractors have historically played an outsized role shaping the national security debate through think tank funding – as was the case in the large donations Lockheed Martin gave Heritage, which lobbied intensely for its F-22 fighter jets.
California State Assembly Passes Digital Privacy Bill Limiting Government Surveillance
Uncertainty still remains over whether the governor will ultimately approve the bill.
Drones That Shoot Tasers Are Now Legal for Police Use in North Dakota
Legal experts are very concerned that a new law in the state allowing law enforcement drones to be armed with so-called less-than-lethal weapons – including stun guns, beanbag rounds and tasers – could pose great risks.
Global Climate 2016: Is Earth At The Tipping Point?
Set to deliver record-breaking global temperatures in 2015 and 2016, the world’s climate has reached a major turning point according to a new report from the U.K. Met Office.
Our Small Texas Town Banned Fracking — Then Big Oil Stepped In to Change the Laws
Known as HB 40, the rule pushed by oil and gas companies declares the state of Texas can preempt any health or safety regulations written by local governments if the industry doesn't deem them “commercially reasonable.”
Turning Pennies Into Billion$: The Tiny Tax that Wall Street Fears
The financial transaction tax would limit the large-scale trades that economists say are now occurring far too quickly and creating the volatility that's again on display with the recent market plunge.
Apples and Googles Beware: A Labor Uprising Is Brewing In Inequality Valley
Unions are spreading like wildfire through the tech capital's low-wage workforce.
The Amazon Tribe Protecting the Forest with Bows, Arrows, GPS and Camera Traps
An indigenous community called the Ka'apor in northern Brazil is fighting to achieve what the government has long failed to do: halt illegal logging in their corner of the Amazon.
New Study Shows Low-Carbon Cities To Generate $17 Trillion By 2050
Creative policies and innovative financing are helping cities overcome barriers to climate action – with huge returns on low-carbon investments already evident from Johannesburg to Copenhagen to Singapore.
Crisis As Opportunity: What is Germany’s Plan for Europe?
This is not merely a crisis of Greece, or a crisis of debt — it's a crisis in the structure of the eurozone itself, where national governments can't implement monetary policy to support their fiscal policies.