It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Greek Voters Look Left for Syriza to End Economic Catastrophe, Reverse Austerity
For close to a year, Syriza — a coalition of former socialists, ex-communists, Maoists, Trotskyists and Greens — has seen its popularity soar on the back of vehement opposition to the austerity policies Greece has been forced to implement.
The Road to Serfdom, Part IV
For the first time in history, people imagined that the way to get rich was by running into debt, not by staying out of it.
The U.S. Corporate State Has Become the Monarch Our Founders Despised
Just as King George extracted wealth and resources from the colonies for his own gain in the 18th century, the current U.S. corporate state is extracting wealth and resources from the American people – and at a much greater rate.
Blood on Their Hands: Corporate Media's Respose to the CIA Torture Report and #BlackLivesMatter
Whether the subject is torture or the shooting of unarmed citizens, America’s mainstream news media offer the same basic points of view and rarely live up to their intended adversarial role – to hold government in check.
A Message From the Dispossessed: What Charlie Hebdo Really Means
The terrorist attack in France isn't about free speech, or about justice, or about the war on terror, or about liberty or democracy. It is about the mad scramble by the privileged to survive at the expense of the poor, and the poor know it.
Elizabeth Warren Forces White House Climbdown on Treasury Appointment
The Massachusetts senator has torpedoed a second economic nominee by the Obama administration for being too close to Wall Street, forcing banker Antonio Weiss to pull out of the running for Treasure undersecretary.
Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and the Central Bankers
Here we provide a glimpse into the decisions and actions taken by some of the top European technocrats responsible for managing the debt crisis – and the adamantly pro-market ideologies they advocated.
The Road to Serfdom, Part III
To understand what made the bubble economy’s credit wave possible, it is necessary to understand how the international financial system was transformed in 1971 when overseas military spending forced the U.S. dollar off gold.
People Vs. Fast Track: Time To Stop the Biggest Corporate Coup Of Our Generation
Transnational corporations are pushing 12 governments to approve an omnibus package of corporate dream policies on energy, finance, intellectual property, agriculture, and more – disguised as a trade deal called TPP.
The Road to Serfdom, Part II
Today’s financial power to set tax policy, make and enforce the law, and disable public regulation reflects the weakness of industrial capitalism in the face of the vested interests that have fought progressive reform since the 1870's.