It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
World of Resistance Report: Davos Class Jittery Amid Growing Warnings of Global Unrest
Oligarchic interests represented at the World Economic Forum have recently taken keen interest in the potential for social upheaval as a result of mass inequality, global youth unemployment and poverty.
The Rolling Rebellion: People Declare Independence from Corporate Rule
Between July 5 and July 12, the Backbone Campaign, along with a nationwide coalition of groups, launches a week of direct action fighting nothing less than a non-violent, second American Revolution.
500 Arrests After Hundreds of Thousands Occupy Central Hong Kong
Most of those arrested were students who had pledged to flood the street until 8am on Wednesday despite vows by police to take decisive action if the "unlawful assembly" were to proceed.
Inequality Is Not Inevitable: Rewriting Laws to Reverse A Politics of Greed
Widening and deepening inequality is not driven by immutable economic laws, but by laws we have written ourselves.
Free Farmers, Food Liberty: This Fourth of July, Local Growers Declare Independence
We ask those growing our food to speak up for themselves and announce their statement of liberty: What does food freedom mean to you?
Anti-Liberal Film Recasts American History As Tea Party Tragedy
Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative political commentator and respected Christian apologist, was in Houston last weekend for the premiere of his new movie, "America: Imagine the World Without Her."
Web For All: Winning Internet Freedom Is A Central Battle for Real Democracy
The FCC is threatening to kill the Internet's innovative, information-democratizing potential because doing so serves the interests of the biggest corporations whose wealth dominates government.
Why is Washington Still Protecting the Secret Political Power of Corporations?
Regulators at the SEC could illuminate the future of campaign donations – but they aren't interested in disclosing the truth, even though voters are.
Letter from a Zillionaire: The Pitchforks Are Coming For Us Plutocrats
Unless our policies change dramatically, the middle class will disappear and we will be back to late 18th-century France – before the revolution.
In Breakthrough Decision, New York Court Rules That Towns Can Ban Fracking
The precedent-setting ruling Monday enables the towns of Dryden and Middlefield to use local zoning laws to outlaw oil and gas drilling within municipal borders.