In a political earthquake last year, the populist and racist Reform Party took 4.1 million votes, coming third, against a backdrop of collapsing living standards and accelerating impoverishment.
Industry-Paid "Science" Exposed In New U.K. Fracking Report
Imagine a world where the 1% doesn't have a monopoly over science and news – but where we can instead think for ourselves.
The Most Dangerous Woman in America
The hostility to socialist ideas is fading, as the majority of young Americans are experiencing the deep failures of capitalism.
Why We Occupy: London School of Economics Students Mobilize For A Free University
Students at LSE join a budding movement against the neoliberal university – and other universities across the U.K. and Europe – by occupying the administration’s meeting room.
Strategies of the 1 Percent Revealed
Americans often fail to notice the 1 percent’s game.
Chaos In the Mediterranean: How Humanitarian Hawks and Mainstream Media Misled the World On Libya
As high-level discussions ensue about whether, and how, to embark on an expanded mission to battle ISIS, the cliche rings truer than ever that "those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Capitalism Is Just a Story and Other Dangerous Thoughts, Part II
The only way to change our economic system is to change what the system values – and to change the very rules that articulate and maintain those values.
U.S. Sets New Record For Denying Federal Files Under Freedom of Information Act
The Obama administration redacted and denied government files in record numbers for the second consecutive year.
U.S. Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Restore Voting Rights to Ex-Convicts
The Democracy Restoration Act would end criminal disfranchisement currently on the books in 35 states – enabling nearly 4.4 million U.S. citizens with past convictions to vote after they're released from prison.
More Than 20,000 Take the Streets, 350 Arrested As Blockupy Protests Erupt In Frankfurt
Tens of thousands of anti-austerity activists from 39 European countries have rallied in Frankfurt in protest against the European Central Bank, which opened its new headquarters in the German financial city.
Capitalism is Just a Story and Other Dangerous Thoughts, Part I
We need more options, not more uniformity; more deep thinking, not more rote acceptance; more opposition, not more repetition of the cold dry lie that there is no alternative.