It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Why White Progressives Must Address Racial Injustice In 2016
The recent Black Lives Matter protest at the Netroots Nation conference was a teachable moment for everyone – forcing progressives to pick a side as they shape next year's electoral agenda.
House of Reps Says States Can't Require GMO Labels On Food
While government officials and the food industry claim GMOs are safe, consumer advocates seeking transparency on labels argue that no one really knows the long-term impacts of genetically modified crops.
Documents Show Feds Regularly Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters Nationwide
The reports confirm social media surveillance of the movement and related events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York – including watching over vigils, parades and other benign gatherings.
Exposed: F.D.I.C. Regulator Quit Job to Fight His Own Foreclosure Fraud
"The system is largely gamed, broken and corrupted by money, influence peddling and a revolving door."
100,000 German Beekeepers Demand Ban On G.M.O.'s to Prevent Colony Collapse
The call for a ban follows controversial legislation allowing E.U. member states to opt-out of GM cultivation, even though it has been approved at the European Union level.
In Latest Victory, New York's Fast Food Workers Get $15 Minimum Wage
On Wednesday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's Wage Board exercised its power to set the new minimum for the fast food industry's 200,000 workers in the state – without requiring approval of the legislature.
Can the Student Movement for Free Public Education Win in Chile?
As President Michelle Bachelet sets to implement comprehensive education reform, the movement is in a crucial phase – now students and teachers are ratcheting up pressure with huge protests and an indefinite strike.
Bernie Sanders Introduces $15 Minimum Wage Bill As Federal Contract Workers Strike
The bill, proposed by the presidential candidate and Democrats in the House, goes far beyond the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour and makes it easier for federal workers to join a union.
Generation Rent: The U.K. Housing Ladder Is Collapsing for Under-40s
By 2025, a quarter of all households in Britain will privately rent – with the biggest increase among those aged between 20 and 39 – due to rising house prices and a shortage of affordable homes.
Week-Long Protests Challenge A.L.E.C. As Extreme Right Group Meets In San Diego
Protests, press conferences, teach-ins, rallies and guerrilla theater are sweeping the city as members of the ultra-conservative lobbying organization attend its yearly meeting.