It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Death of the Republic
A blatantly unconstitutional trade deal, the TPP would destroy our republican form of government under the rule of law by elevating the rights of investors – also called the rights of “capital” – above the rights of citizens.
With Elections A Week Away, Which British Party Can Deliver On Climate Promises?
If the next U.K. government is to take the climate crisis by the horns, rhetoric must be replaced by concrete action – something the majority in Britain have long been awaiting.
Deutsche Bank Hit By Record $2.5 Billion Libor-Rigging Fine
The penalties on Germany’s largest bank also involve a guilty plea to the Department of Justice.
World's Youth See Snowden As a Hero – Making Surveillance Reform Inevitable
According to a worldwide poll, a large and important segment of global society sees Edward Snowden as hero and whistleblower — and its members are the future.
Protests Mount in Baltimore Over Police Killing of Freddie Gray
Outrage over the police killing of 25-year-old Freddie Gray in Baltimore continued on Thursday after hundreds demonstrated in front of the Western District police station where Gray was taken following his arrest on April 12.
Why Bernie Sanders Is the Only Populist Candidate for President
Whether or not this opponent of the billionaire class, corporate greed, Wall Street and environmental degradation – and this champion of working people, the unemployed, retirees, and student debtors – is our next president will be entirely up to us.
Bernie Sanders Intervenes on Senate Floor Slowing Fast Track for TPP
This job-killing trade deal has been negotiated in secret, drafted with input by special interests and corporate lobbyists but not from the American people.
Unequal States of America: Trillions in New Wealth, Millions of Children in Poverty
America’s wealth grew by 60 percent in the past six years, by over $30 trillion – and in approximately the same time, the number of homeless children has also grown by 60 percent.
Why Money in Politics Is Darkening the Future for Millennials
From student debt to climate change, and from fair pay to gun control, young people are seeing the issues that affect them most lose out to the interests of rich corporations and the super wealthy whose power shapes Congress.
“Acts of Passion”: What This Washington Post Investigation Tells Us About Fatal Police Shootings
The Post’s analysis doesn't confirm that race was a factor in dozens of shootings, but the fact that more than 75% of the officers involved were white, and two-thirds of the victims were minorities, leads observers to believe race played a factor.