It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
#BlackLivesMatter - Lessons from a Leaderful Movement
In the wake of Ferguson and New York City protests, black organizers heard the call, saw the possibilities, stepped into capacity gaps, and organized their communities and allies to meet the moment.
First Nationwide Oil Worker Strike In Decades Grows Even Bigger
Citing unfair labor practices and dangerous conditions including leaks and explosions, approximately 1,440 BP oil refinery workers in Ohio and Indiana joined nearly 4,000 employees across 11 plants who began striking on Feb. 1.
HSBC Files Show How Swiss Bank Helped Clients Dodge Taxes and Hide Millions
HSBC’s Swiss banking arm helped wealthy customers dodge taxes and conceal millions of dollars of assets.
Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and Europe’s Technocrat Titans
In the debt crisis, sovereignty is increasingly transferred from European nations and their democratically elected leaders to the supra-national technocratic structure of the E.U. – and the top bureaucrats and technicians who run it.
Totalitarian Democracy Now
The 1% has no intention of giving up its wealth or its power, so the challenge facing us is well worth accepting.
Blueprint For Sharing as Source Of Global Economic Change
Sharing wealth, power and resources is central to the formation of a growing movement of global citizens for a healthy planet – and here's how we're doing it.
When Mainstream Meets Occupy: What the New Democratic Message Might Look Like
The 1 percent continue to capture virtually all of the country's income growth as the average incomes of the 99 percent fall, and Americans know it – which is why politicians and mainstream economists are now scrambling to respond.
Money In Politics Takes Central Stage In New Hampshire Where A Rebellion Is Underway
Lawrence Lessig, who led the NH Rebellion, eschews the term "campaign finance reform" – he prefers "corruption," because money determines who wins primaries, who wins elections, who gets hired, and what laws get passed in D.C.
“New Model Cities” In Honduras Would Hand All Power to Corporations
So-called Special Economic Development Zones will not only be economically independent, but they'll be exclusively governed by corporations, both local and international, which will create and enforce their own laws.
Thousands of Californians March In Largest Ever Anti-Frack Protest, Calling For Statewide Ban
Californians marched Saturday through downtown Oakland calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to fulfill his promise as a climate leader by enacting an all-out ban on fracking in the state.