It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
“Don’t Owe, Won’t Pay”: Why Everything You’ve Been Told About Debt Is Wrong
No street protests are necessary, no confrontations with riot police, to stop payment on a credit card or student loan – the financial system is vulnerable to a few million mouse clicks.
Super PACs Promise Record-Shattering $10 Billion Presidential Election
Spending more than twice as much as the last three White House races combined, the unregulated fundraising juggernauts backed by unlimited contributions from wealthy donors threaten to completely shape – and control – the 2016 race.
Housing Crisis Escalates As 13,000 Become Homeless Each Month in Los Angeles County
The number of people who are chronically homeless has overwhelmed the dwindling supply of affordable housing in southern California's sprawling metropolitan area.
Food Safety Group Sues U.S. Regulator for Withholding Information On GMO Crops
The lawsuit filed by the Center for Food Safety accuses the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of withholding information about GMOs for more than 13 years.
Personal Gain Driving Efforts to Ship Utah Coal Through Port Of Oakland
A secretive plan to ship coal through the Port of Oakland is being driven by a company that wants to massively expand its coal mining operations in Utah – and by a public official who stands to profit personally.
On the Take: Private Prison Firms Are Buying Access to Public Officials at Lavish Conferences
Private corrections companies are spending millions of dollars
Don't Shut Your Mouth – Disruption Is the Sound We Make In a Democracy
We need to disrupt the legal and political system that expects people of color to shut up and women to behave.
The Dystopian Danger of Police Body Cameras
The spread of body cameras into our schools may come as surprise to some, but it shouldn’t.
Pesticides In Paradise: Hawaii's Spike In Birth Defects Points To GMO Crops
Local doctors are in the crosshairs over whether corn that’s been genetically modified to resist pesticides is a source of prosperity or of birth defects and illnesses.
Big Banks Seen As Hidden Culprit In Wave of For-Profit College Closures
An invisible entity strongly influenced the messy unwinding of Corinthian Colleges: Bank of America.