It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Global Power Project: Bilderberg Group and the Tyranny of the Technocrats
Behind the words of central bankers, finance ministers and other technocrats, we're able to see countries collapse, governments overthrown, populations impoverished, societies destroyed, fascism and racism explode, and people rebel.
Waiting for Santa Klaus In Romania, All Eyes Turn to Incoming Germanic President
He's friends with Vladimir Putin and Angela Merkel, a best-selling author, and has a wife who cooks excellent meatball soup. Romania is ready for its Transylvanian president with German flare and know-how.
Spain's Podemos Leader: "Politics Is About Strength, It Is Not About Wishes Or What We Say In Assemblies"
Pablo Iglesias, who heads the country's rising populist party that emerged from the 15-M Movement, talks about what it takes to build mass movements.
Sen. Warren Slams Corrupt Congress, Tells CitiGroup: Dodd-Frank "Should Have Broken You Into Pieces"
Warren's rousing speech, condemning both Congress and one of the prime banks that has corrupted it, came late Friday night as legislators struggled to pass legislation to prevent a government shutdown.
How Fear Of Occupy Wall Street Undermined the Red Cross's Sandy Relief Effort
Red Cross responders say there was a ban on working with the widely praised Occupy Sandy relief group because it was seen as politically unpalatable.
Ethics In Advertising: #GamerGate Activists Press Forward Despite Media Backlash
Now rolling into to its fourth month, the video game consumer movement known as #GamerGate continues to evolve in scope and focus as it seeks to advocate for greater ethical standards in gaming journalism.
Baroness’s "Poor People Don’t Know How To Cook" Remark Ignites Furor Over UK Food Poverty
Due to welfare cutbacks, rising food prices and unlivable wages, a growing number of people in Britain are having to resort to food banks as a means of staving off hunger.
Tens Of Thousands March In New York, D.C., SF and Nationwide to Protest Police Killings
Tens of thousands of protesters streamed out of New York City's Washington Square Park on Saturday to protest the killings of unarmed black people by police officers, as part of the "Millions March NYC."
On Sideline of Budget Crisis, Congress Protects 1 Million Acres of National Parks and Wilderness Areas
Dozens of land conservation bills, which were added to a defense spending bill approved on Friday, protect more than 1 million acres of national parks, wilderness areas, and wild and scenic rivers.
Lima Climate Change Talks Reach Global Warming Agreement
The UN plan agreed Sunday is a crucial step towards a climate change deal due to be finalized in Paris next year – for the first time committing all countries, including developing nations, to cutting emissions.