The nastiest word in America is the word "poor."
No one wants to hear it, even behind closed doors.
Politicians hate it, it's a word they deplore,
They don't want to see them, easier to ignore.
Poor people are worthless, a real eyesore,
Let's make poverty a crime; on it declare war.
Politicians writing laws to crush those they abhor,
Stripping the safety net that was already torn.
They used to have food stamps, they could go to the store,
At least they could eat, as they slept on the floor.
Social Security and Medicare: "Sorry, now we're not sure"
"We've bombs we must buy, IED's and claymores."
"So sorry you paid with every check to secure
a retirement with dignity: "¡So sorry Senor!"
Now seniors are reclassified, they've joined the corps,
They're part of the worthless, the pitiful poor.
Let's build another base, so oil company profits soar,
Let's support more foreign dictators, in more senseless wars.
Force the poor American youth to enlist for a tour,
No one sees them come back, in a box, to our shore.
So much senseless spending, as corporations mentor,
Our bankers and politicians, to be completely pro-war.
Politicians so out of touch, not a clue that's for sure,
Ivy league schools, ivory towers and money galore.
So we're now spending trillions, but who's keeping score?
Dictators in country after country, saying "We must have more".
Our politicians so eager to pad their brochure,
To show they're pro"whoever" - except American poor.
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