It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.
Advocacy & Reforms
Democrats Have a Massive Opportunity as a Pure Opposition Party
Over the next two years, Democrats have the unfettered ability to be an albatross around the neck of the GOP — and to make sure that what little they manage to get done due to their paper-thin majorities becomes the reason for their undoing.
5 Key Reasons Democrats Were Unable to Stop Fascism's Decisive Mandate
The American people clearly spoke, and the drubbing Democrats received requires looking beyond just issue polls, voting patterns, campaign strategy, or get-out-the-vote tactics.
WaPo and the LA Times Obeying in Advance Should Confirm Our Worst Fears About Trump
The recent decisions by two of the most influential national newspapers of record to not publish their endorsements of Vice President Kamala Harris says a lot about how seriously they take Trump’s threats to democracy and his promises of vengeance against his enemies.
Trump's Team Knows He’s Losing His Grip on Sanity and Hopes to Win by Hiding Him from Us
As Trump’s campaign grows increasingly bizarre, his team appears to be more tightly controlling his movements and carefully scripting his public appearances to minimize the negative impact his erratic behavior may have on undecided voters in swing states.
Who Is Bankrolling Europe and America’s Populist Far Right?
Right wing organizations, tech bros, alt finance and big oil are all helping to promote a surge in far right politics that are destabilizing the global order, and could end democracies on both sides of the Atlantic.
Kamala Harris and the Democrats are defeating fascism with mockery
Since she became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, Harris has taken a decidedly different tone when talking about her Republican opponents, and the strategy is paying dividends.
You aren't voting for a 4-year presidency. You're voting for a 40-year SCOTUS majority
This November’s presidential election actually isn’t about which party will control the White House for the next four years, but which party’s ideology will direct the federal judiciary for the next several decades.
Hastily-formed Left Alliance Overcomes French Far Right in Elections
But as Marine Tondelier from the Green Party said, the election this month was a warning: “The Republic held on, but for how much longer?”
The Party That Embraces Political Violence Is Now Reaping What it Sowed
The attempt on Trump’s life is the direct result of the Republican Party’s decision to exploit violence for political gain.
Incremental progress—is—revolutionary
As fun as it is to say, none of us will, in fact, eat the rich. But by making small differences where we can, we gradually move society toward the more equitable, just, and fair place we all want for ourselves and future generations.