They look down from Ivory towers, sharply dressed and well spoken,
they say the economy is wrecked, the safety net broken.
They have their insurance for life, paid for with our sweat and strife.
Their retirements covered without paying a dime—what a life!
They pocket millions from lobbyists, to sway all the laws,
but when it comes to the country, well, get out the claws.
Wall Street and the banks brought the economy down,
now they say we've lived too high—"Sorry, why the big frown?"
So billionaires sit back as profits go sky high,
big business cutting benefits, Americans barely getting by.
Banks with criminal intent, committing crimes left and right,
the Attorney General says, "no charge, continue your blight."
Like sheep to the slaughter, they're dragging us down,
what is our recourse? We can't fight the town.
They say the poor are to fault. Can't you see?
they're the ones who have blown the whole economy.
At $7.25 an hour, you can scratch your way up,
pull up those boot straps, eat like a pup.
If you sacrifice all, eat one meal a day,
Perhaps in 40 years you'll have enough to pay
for your final resting place—in a red jar of clay!
So our elected representatives, yeah, they got it all,
no worries for life, lobbyists and bankers on call.
We've become insects in our own society,
when it comes to politics, we're the bottom priority.
A few special interests are controlling the plight,
If we want to be noticed we must stand and fight.
Half of all Americans are close to being poor,
we must stop the lobbyists and their revolving door.
We must put fault for the economy where it ought to be:
with banks and politicians, not with you and me.
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