WTF's happened in the land of the free?
The rich getting richer, sea to shining sea.
The poor getting poorer, you can't disagree,
The media's ignored them, no one hears their plea.
The governments sloughed them, like a pesky flea,
So much poverty in the U.S., how can that be?
People living on $9,000.00, for a family of 3,
$149,000,000.00 for a CEO: wow, whoopee!
How gauche and obscene are the rich, I decree,
Insatiable, gluttonous greed, and tax free.
The government gives the poor another new fee,
Food prices and gasoline will rise guaranteed,
Electric and heating are slated to be
Cut off at your home by the 1% bourgeoisie.
"Everyone has a chance to get rich!" they decree,
They pass laws in their favor; a bribed nominee,
$7.25 an hour, jump for joy and glee,
We'll soon reach the top, just you wait and see.
Raise the minimum wage, corporations cop a plea,
"We'll go out of business!" say the powers that be.
Our CEO must make millions, ignoring you and me
We're working as slaves, holding up the hypocrisy.
Pay and benefits cut suits them to a T,
The bottom line is what counts, workers take a knee,
Use your $7.25 an hour, go on a shopping spree!
Corruptions stands out, it's a giant marquee,
Politicians and media give a resounding yippee
As they receive millions, to be the trustee,
The poor and middle class, just so much debris.
A march by the people, who need a referee
To stand up and declare: we need a jubilee!
An inclusion of all in the prosperity,
That the world has to offer,
Can we just agree?
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