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The Story Behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Treasury Takedown

The Story Behind Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Treasury Takedown
Tue, 1/27/2015 - by Ben White
This article originally appeared on Politico

Supporters of Antonio Weiss knew the Wall Street banker’s nomination for a top job at the Treasury Department was in deep trouble the morning of Dec. 5.

Kirsten Gillibrand, Democratic senator from New York, went on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” and refused to say if she would back the Lazard banker. And she made clear who was really calling the shots. “I think Senator Warren’s very clear,” Gillibrand said, sounding a bit like the Massachusetts senator’s press secretary. “She believes that, as the person responsible for how consumers are affected, his background and his experience don’t fit the requirements.”

Weiss supporters in the White House and on Wall Street were stunned. They expected some opposition from the left but not the explosion that greeted the nomination. Never mind that, as undersecretary for domestic finance, Weiss would not be the person chiefly responsible for consumer financial protection — Warren created a whole separate agency for that — or that neither Gillibrand nor Warren had ever met or spoken to the man.

The verdict was in. And it was bad.

“That moment stunned me,” said one close friend of Weiss. “For a senator from New York who is ostensibly part of the sensible center to say this, I was just flabbergasted.”

Senior White House officials, led by chief of staff Denis McDonough and counselor to the president John Podesta, would continue to work the phones and argue in public and private for Weiss’ nomination for the next several weeks.

But as Democrats kept coming out in opposition — while Republicans sat back and relished the show — it became clear that Weiss would have a very hard time getting confirmed.

The game in Washington had changed.

Elizabeth Warren, sometimes disregarded by the White House as a largely irrelevant nuisance, could no longer be ignored. Bolstered by grass roots groups eager for any anti-Wall Street crusade and a vibrant progressive media that hung on her every word, Warren succeeded in knocking out Weiss’ nomination.

It was not a total victory. Weiss will still join Treasury as an unconfirmed counselor to Secretary Jack Lew. But in terms of symbolism, the Washington power game and the ideological direction of the Democratic Party, Warren won big. And the moderate, Wall Street- and business-friendly wing of the party — in past years happily occupied by Democratic presidential nominee-in-waiting Hillary Clinton — got punched in the mouth.

“They will have to be more careful now and you won’t see any bankers nominated for high-level positions,” said a person close to the campaign against Weiss, who said the episode could also influence the way Clinton staffs and runs her campaign.

On the other side, the despair among Wall Street’s Democratic elite is growing acute. As is the belief that Weiss himself never mattered in this fight.

“In this case, the thing Warren was against — adding another Wall Street anti-regulatory guy — wasn’t even remotely true,” said one senior Wall Street Democrat who has worked in government but, like many interviewed for this article, declined to be identified by name to avoid Warren’s wrath. “There is no one in government right now who has any market or finance experience. It’s not like there are ‘too many.’”

How it Began

The White House nominated Weiss, a highly respected Wall Street banker at boutique firm Lazard, on Nov. 12. Treasury wanted him because no one in its top leadership tier — including Lew and deputy secretary Sarah Bloom Raskin — had any real financial markets experience.

Lew worked briefly at Citigroup, as did under secretary for international affairs Nathan Sheets. Raskin worked for a time at Promontory Financial Group. But none had the kind of deep relationships or international financial experience that Weiss did. And Weiss, in addition to his work on Wall Street, was a big financial supporter and bundler for President Barack Obama.

It did not take long for Warrren to declare war on the nomination.

On Nov. 14, Politico first reported, citing a Warren aide, that the senator would oppose Weiss for the job. “She is a no on Antonio Weiss. She was a Treasury official herself, she cares a lot about who is in the domestic finance role,” the aide said at the time. “It oversees Dodd-Frank implementation and other core economic policymaking.”

Shortly after the Politico story, Warren penned an op-ed for The Huffington Post laying out her case against Weiss, ripping his extensive career on Wall Street and his work on a controversial deal in which Burger King bought Canadian coffee and doughnut chain Tim Horton’s and moved its headquarters to Canada.

The morning the first Politico article about Warren’s opposition came out in the “Morning Money” tip sheet, a small group of progressives at Credo Action in San Francisco gathered to plot strategy, poring over the Warren aides’ every word. This was the perfect fight, they decided.

After the midterm election drubbing, the battle was on for the soul of the Democratic Party. And another fight was already brewing over the inclusion of pro-Wall Street language in the year-end spending bill.

“It was the exact right campaign at the exact right time,” said Murshed Zaheed, deputy political director at Credo and a former aide to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. “We felt this nomination presented the perfect battle that would drive the narrative of where the party needs to go and where the progressive movement is right now.”

Warren and other Democrats — along with Republican Chuck Grassley — slammed the Burger King deal as an un-American “inversion” transaction. The counterargument from Weiss supporters, that the Burger King deal was not an inversion because Tim Horton’s was the larger company and putting the headquarters in lower-tax Canada was the only reasonable thing to do, never got any traction. It did not help matters that Lew himself had recently launched an effort to crack down on inversion deals, though not the Burger King transaction.

For Warren, the Weiss nomination was a last-straw moment, people close to her say. She didn’t come out hard against Mary Jo White for Securities and Exchange Commission chair, despite White’s record of defending Wall Street clients as an attorney in the private sector. She didn’t try to block Stanley Fischer as Federal Reserve vice chair despite Fischer’s work at Citigroup. And there were others.

It was time to fire up the troops against Weiss. And they came eagerly along.

By early December, with no coordination with Warren or anyone else on the Hill, Credo said it had close to 200,000 signatures on a petition to oppose Weiss.

Progressive groups Democracy for America and also joined the fight. The AFL-CIO, the nation’s largest labor group, raised questions about millions of dollars in accelerated compensation Weiss was to receive if he left Lazard for Treasury. The pressure came not just from the left. The Independent Community Bankers of America sent a letter to top senators questioning whether Weiss would do enough to champion the interests of smaller banks.

Through an aide, Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, indicated he would oppose Weiss. Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia also came out in opposition, an early indication that a full-scale populist assault was underway. Then Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, viewed as fairly moderate, said she could not back Weiss because of his work on tax deals.

Outgoing Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden made it clear Weiss would not get a confirmation hearing in the lame-duck session of Congress in December. Weiss would have to wait until Republicans took over in 2015, allowing the opposition movement to gather strength.

“Warren successfully put together this incredible coalition of activist groups and liberal media organizations that sprang into action without her really having to do much of anything,” said a Wall Street executive who tried to help steer Weiss through the process. “These people can now stop pretty much anyone they want and the White House can’t do much about it.”

Others view Warren’s power as somewhat more limited. She succeeded in derailing Weiss in part because Obama could not count on Republicans — who typically like nominees with business experience — to put Weiss over the top.


As opposition began to grow, Weiss, who declined to comment for this story, hunkered down in New York. He could not speak out on his own behalf, hamstrung by the need to wait for confirmation hearings. He did not get to sit down in advance with Warren or other senators coming out against him.

People who spoke with Weiss during this time described him as bewildered by the characterizations of him as a super-wealthy tycoon who favored tax inversions and would come to Washington to do Wall Street’s bidding at Treasury. “The picture they painted of him was totally unrecognizable to him,” one friend said.

Instead, friends and colleagues described Weiss as a fairly progressive Democrat who liked poetry, bought the Paris Review to keep it afloat and fell in love with policy while working part time — at Podesta’s invitation — on tax reform issues at the Center for American Progress, a Democratic think tank, where he co-authored a paper calling for curtailing tax loopholes for Wall Street executives, among other things.

These people say the 48-year-old Weiss had long been thinking of a career shift, especially in the years since his father passed away. He did some teaching but became most attracted to the idea of doing policy work in Washington. When Lew reached out to him for the undersecretary job, he jumped at the chance.

People who know Weiss say he expected to get some opposition. And they say he knew his high salary — he earned at least $15.4 million from Lazard over the past two years — would become public knowledge and the source of some embarrassment.

But friends say Weiss did not expect to be portrayed as a proponent of tax inversions, since his role at Lazard did not include working on the tax implications of merger deals. And they say he thought his broad international experience — he spent eight years in Paris — would be seen as a plus. Instead, Warren and others used it as a cudgel to argue that he lacked enough experience in issues of domestic finance. And they said that it would be better if Weiss had experience in Asia rather than Europe because of China’s and Japan’s large holdings of U.S. debt.

Originally published by Politico



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It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.

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It isn’t difficult to argue that Musk is likely a white supremacist obsessed with increasing the white birthrate and simultaneously killing off undesirables by cutting off their aid.

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There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.

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Over the next four years, we’re about to be inundated with a flood of lies—including from federal agencies themselves.

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The grassroots opposition to President Donald Trump is hitting the streets everywhere.

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In a political earthquake last year, the populist and racist Reform Party took 4.1 million votes, coming third, against a backdrop of collapsing living standards and accelerating impoverishment.

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A broad range of Americans are organizing a 24-hour economic boycott on February 28th to protest the ongoing actions of the Trump administration and to send a message to corporate America.