Enbridge, a Canadian pipeline company, began construction on Line 3, a pipeline that will transport 760,000 barrels of tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. As the proposed pipeline runs through untouched wetlands and Indigenous communities, it’s time Congress stops the construction of Line 3 and the devastation it will cause to the environment and the communities along its path.
“It’s well-past time to end the legacy of theft from and destruction of indigenous peoples and territories.”
Line 3 would also “violate the treaty rights of Anishinaabe peoples and nations in its path—wild rice is a centerpiece of Anishinaabe culture, it grows in numerous watersheds Line 3 seeks to cross.”
Enbridge, who has a terrible track record of oik spills, is responsible for more than 800 pipeline spills between 1999 and 2010. With tar sands oil being labeled the dirtiest oil on the planet, risking yet another oil spill will cost billions of dollars in cleanup costs all while damaging the environment and making people sick.
Congress must stop the expansion of a dying tar sands industry and #StopLine3 construction immediately. It’s time they take the health of the environment and the people into their own hands.
[via nationofchange.org]