The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Hedges: Our Invisible Revolution
It appears that political ferment is dormant in the United States. This is incorrect. The battle of ideas is percolating below the surface.
Exclusive: Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Four months after Hastings's fatal car accident in L.A., new facts and evidence continue to emerge raising serious questions about whether the journalist was assassinated, the breadth of cyber-techniques that may have been used, and who might have done it.
Reich: The Triumph of the Right
Conservatives have won by shaping the national conversation around the size of government and the budget deficit, diverting attention away from the increasing concentration of wealth and income at the very top while most Americans fall behind.
Why Big Media Lied to Americans About the Government Shutdown
The shutdown was anything but an “ideological battle” as the L.A. Times and others tried to make us believe. Why don't the media lay proper blame?
Radical Transparency: A Call to Amend the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Democracy dies behind closed doors. That's why we need an amendment to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, stripping our governments of the right to lie to citizens.
Hedges: The Folly of Empire
The last days of empire are carnivals of folly. The politicians and court propagandists, hired to be the public faces on the sinking ship, mask the real work of the crew, which is systematically robbing the passengers as the vessel goes down.
Revealed: NSA Is Collecting Millions of E-Mail Address Books Globally
An NSA program recently disclosed by Edward Snowden harvests hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail address books and instant messaging "buddy lists" and accounts around the world.
Why Is Greece's Neo-Nazi Golden Dawn Party Rising In Popularity?
Why party members support the anti-immigration and ethnically “pure” platform of the Golden Dawn remains confounding within modern Greek politics — though it's a window into better understanding the direction the country is heading on immigration.
Why Austerity Is Pushing Europe into Social and Economic Decline
A protracted period of poverty, mass unemployment, social exclusion, greater inequality and collective despair is facing Europe since the austerity policies adopted in recent years. And it's only getting worse.
Robert Reich on the Shutdown: "You Can't Negotiate with Extortionists"
Members of the Tea Party hate government viscerally. They say we ought to shrink government down to the size that it can drown in a bathtub. They're not in Washington to govern; they're in Washington to tear it down.