The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
E.U. Climate Commissioner: "Stop Paying the Polluters"
Harnessing the existing broad consensus against fossil-fuel subsidies is possible even in the absence of a legal agreement.
"Look away, America!": The Corporate Bait and Switch
The rich count on Americans being so distracted that they don’t focus on record corporate profits and offshore accounts.
Google Takes on Rare Fight Against National Security Letters
Google has filed a rare petition to challenge an ultra-secret national security letter issued by the government to obtain private data about one or more of its users.
Hearts, Minds and Dollars: Condolence Payments in the Drone Strike Age
One measure of accountability for the U.S. covert drone wars is acknowledging civilian casualties and compensating families for their losses, but recent history in Iraq and Afghanistan shows that isn’t always simple.
Mexican Workers Win Ownership of Tire Plant with Three-Year Strike
When a factory closes, the idea of turning it into a worker-owned co-operative sometimes comes up—and usually dies.
How Inequality Corrupts Society
The corrupting influence of inequality isn’t confined to politics. It is everywhere.
Challenging Corporate Rule: From Growing Profit to Growing Food
Over the years, food has been converted from nourishment to a mass-marketed consumer product.
The NRA's Plan For Our Schools: More Guns
The NRA introduced “model legislation” for placing armed guards in schools, a process which will rely on the same background checks the organization vehemently opposes.
Utah's Students Forced to Push Fossil Fuel Propaganda for Earth Day
Some Utahns are outraged that the Utah Division of Oil, Gas & Mining sponsored an Earth Day poster contest extolling the virtues of oil, gas and mining.
Top Senator Apologizes for Monsanto Protection Act
Sen. Barbara Mikulski of Maryland released a statement apologizing to the public for the passing of the Monsanto Protection Act, stating the legislation was buried deep in a government spending bill to "prevent a government shutdown."