Holly Jean-Montoya – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “We’re going to continue to extract resources that are depleting the earth and creating a lot of problems for everyone living on this planet.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “I think is in people taking responsibility for their own lives and not contributing to this problem. We’re here coming together and informing each other and learning together, but at the end of the day we continue to put money in their pockets, they’re going to continue doing what they’re doing. We can only ask them to stop so many times until we have to take responsibility with our own actions and start a movement that way.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “It’s inspiring me to take my life to the next level of awesomeness. I’ve got a lot of work to do to live in a way that’s harmonious and do the right thing. Donald sucks, but he happened.”
Bill Gemmell – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “If it gets completed we become more dependent on oil. We take the chance of environmental harming what’s left of our natural resources of water, our land. There’s been so many spills throughout the US. The companies don’t do the cleanup they’re supposed to do when they do happen and we need to use renewable sources. There are countries that run off of solar energy. Why don’t we? Because the oil companies have a stranglehold on our political system.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Oh yes, most definitely. It’s been a great learning experience as well as an eye opener in many aspects. I expect to take some of the knowledge back with me and put some of it to use.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I’m hoping to make it through the next four years. I’m hoping there’s some better choices when that time is up. I was not thrilled with either choice, and I don’t feel like most Americans were thrilled with either choice. I think the best candidates were gone early. Low turnout, also those that did vote weren’t voting for their candidate necessarily, they were voting against the other one, whichever one that may be. I just want to make it through the next four years with everything intact. If we have to start over again, we start over again.”
Char Braxton – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “It’s the continuous destruction of our earth, a community, a tribe, women, children. This pipeline represents destruction, we represent life. The goal of being a human is to help out others with their cause and it makes it my cause, because we’re all one. We’re all hooked together in this human chain, and that chain links to the earth.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Definitely. There’s a spirit here and an energy that will resonate more and more and start elsewhere helping the cause for the earth.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I hope he will make the right decision, but looking at his record and a lot of things he said agains this right here and people of color, it’s going to be a movement where it’s the citizens against the government.”
Rainie Kennedy – What happens if this pipeline gets completed? “It’s going to contaminate drinking water for millions of people. It’s going under the Missouri and that is a major water source for millions of people in different states. Once it spills, theres no going back.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Yes, I absolutely think that. I feel like everyone is having an awakening. We can use renewable energy, there are ways we can sustain and live life a different way. We don’t need to continue down this destructive path, it is destroying our planet and there’s only so much it can take. I absolutely believe that we can come together wherever we need to stop it.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I feel like he’s invested in oil companies. He doesn’t believe in Global Warming, which is absolutely ridiculous because there are scientist proving it’s a real thing. I’m from Bishop CA, and our valley used to be so lush and so green, but now it’s drying up and turning into a desert. The river used to be high and flowing, but now it’s barely even a trickle."
John Goodhouse – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “I’m not sure. I know it will ruin the chances of us living well. We need the water. If the oil goes through, we’ll end up drinking oil, not water. It will be a struggle for a while after that.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Yeah, there are other protests in other states. After we take over this one, we’ll move to the next. It can spread pretty easily.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “Not much, I’m already hearing cartels have put money on his head. I don’t think we even need a president.”
Kristen Stewart – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “It’s going to destroy a lot of peoples source of water. Not only is it contaminating the water, but the fracking is destroying the earth’s crust. We can get energy in so many different ways.” Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Definitely.” What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I prefer not to get into politics, it will just irritate and anger me. I can’t.”
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Bob Zavoda replied on
SUSTAINABLE - MY ASS! Rewrite: I meant to say this:
SUSTAINABLE - MY ASS! Yes! Trump's D.O.E. pick thinks nukes belong in "sustainable messaging" along with solar and wind! DUCK! The lying liar's lies have just begun.
Trump's "ringer" of a pick for head of D.O.E., Rick Perry, you know the
one: he now wears horn-rimmed glasses in a current "new look" makeover, since
his debacle showing in the 4-years-ago republican presidential primary. The
"intelligent look" disguise, I suppose, is to help this former Texas republican
governor to deliver a message from the nuke lords of industry to us "little
people". The ultimate in oligarchic betrayal to our trust in
Government by the People! SUSTAINABLE - MY ASS! For money! The multi-national corporate nuclear industry is a fraud, a stinking
killer. Trump will let these liars of industry deliver the [attempted] knockout blow to us
citizens who want it stopped and dismantled. Just as in Germany, Italy and Switzerland have, and others, nukes must go (most dams and all carbon burners, too).
We who avoid solely corporate "news", but also
follow Indy news, see through Trump. A gift of 4-more years accumulation of virtually immortal, as some of the nuclear waste is, of its dust-sized waste particles of billions of atoms in each. 4-MORE YEARS!
Radioactive means eventually these radionuclides disintegrate, changing into metallic ions that are toxic to our body's cells, if ingested. Energetic, sub-atomic particles (gamma and beta rays, mostly), can cause cell mutations or cancers. The long-lived nano-sized particles are now everywhere: in our air,
water and food. They have accumulated throughout almost
eighty years of use, as bombs and as "accidents" with dozens of disastrous accidents, with the worst by far being Fukushima-Daiichi's 3 confirmed reactor explosions and 100% core meltdowns. (And still going on, for all that we have been allowed to know - And historically, how many unreported accidents and criminal wildcat dumping?)
The world community cannot afford
the clean-up costs for these bogus, ENVIRONMENT KILLING, "Franken-machinations"
- let alone their initial costs! SUSTAINABLE - MY ASS!
We who avoid solely corporate "news", but also follow Indy news, see through Trump. A gift of 4-more years accumulation of virtually immortal, as some of the nuclear waste is, of its dust-sized waste particles of billions of atoms in each. 4-MORE YEARS!
Radioactive means eventually these radionuclides disintegrate, changing into metallic ions that are toxic to our body's cells, if ingested. Energetic, sub-atomic particles (gamma and beta rays, mostly), can cause cell mutations or cancers. The long-lived nano-sized particles are now everywhere: in our air, water and food. They have accumulated throughout almost eighty years of use, as bombs and as "accidents" with dozens of disastrous accidents, with the worst by far being Fukushima-Daiichi's 3 confirmed reactor explosions and 100% core meltdowns. (And still going on, for all that we have been allowed to know - And historically, how many unreported accidents and criminal wildcat dumping?)
The world community cannot afford the clean-up costs for these bogus, ENVIRONMENT KILLING, "Franken-machinations" - let alone their initial costs! SUSTAINABLE - MY ASS!
Bob Zavoda replied on
This comment format makes impossible for an edit. So a repeat got stuck - and this is an attempted edit of an attempted edit - lol No harm. Occupy Rocks!