As often noted in the passionate writings of Henry Giroux, poor Americans are becoming increasingly "disposable" in our winner-take-all society. After 35 years of wealth distribution to the super-rich, inequality has forced much of the middle class towards the bottom, to near-poverty levels, and to a state of helplessness in which they find themselves being blamed for their own misfortunes.
The evidence keeps accumulating: income and wealth — and health — are declining for middle-class America. As wealth at the top grows, the super-rich feel they have little need for the rest of society.
Income Plummets for the Middle Class
According to Pew Research, in 1970 three of every ten income dollars went to upper-income households. Now five of every ten dollars goes to them.
The Social Security Administration reports that more than half of Americans make less than $30,000 per year. That’s less than an appropriate average living wage of $16.87 per hour, as calculated by Alliance for a Just Society.
Wealth Collapses for Half of Us
Numerous sources report that half or more of American families have virtually no savings, and would have to borrow money or sell possessions to cover an emergency expense. Between half and two-thirds of Americans have less than $1,000.
For every $100 owned by a middle-class household in 2001, that household now has just $72.
Not surprisingly, race plays a role in the diminishing of middle America. According to Pew, the typical black family has only enough liquid savings to last five days, compared to 12 days for the typical Hispanic household, and 30 days for a white household.
Our Deteriorating Health
In a disgraceful display of high-level disregard for vital health issues, House Republicans are attempting to cut back on lunches for more than 3 million kids.
The evidence for the health-related disposability of poor Americans comes from a new study that finds nearly a 15 year difference in life expectancy for 40-year-olds among the richest 1% and poorest 1% (10 years for women). Much of the disparity has arisen in just the past 15 years.
It’s not hard to understand the dramatic decline in life expectancy, as numerous studies have documented the health problems resulting from the inequality-driven levels of stress and worry and anger that make Americans much less optimistic about the future. The growing disparities mean that our children will likely see less opportunities for their own futures.
It May be Getting Worse
The sense derived from all this is that half of America is severely financially burdened, at risk of falling deeper into debt.
It may be more than half. The Wall Street Journal recently reported on a JP Morgan study’s conclusion that “the bottom 80% of households by income lack sufficient savings to cover the type of volatility observed in income and spending.” Fewer than one in three 25- to 34-year-olds live in their own homes, a 20 percent drop in just the past 15 years.
It may be even worse for renters. The number of families spending more than half their incomes on rent – the "severely" cost-burdened renters – has increased by a stunning 50 percent in just ten years. Billionaire Steve Schwarzman, whose company Blackstone has been buying up tens of thousands of homes at rock-bottom prices and then renting them back while waiting out the housing market, finds the growing anger among voters “astonishing.”
What’s astonishing is the disregard that many of the super-rich have for struggling Americans.
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jimevanhoe replied on
WHY we are WHERE we are? How did we get here> $19Trillion Debt
In 1988-1989-1990-1991 & part of 92 this US Economic Recession was brought on by the Corruption of George HW Bush and the Saving & Loan Fraud, that destroyed millions of Homeowners, Businesses, and destroyed Savings Accounts. The Ability for the Middle Class to move on was crushed again!... Then under (D) Clinton came NAFTA 1994, NAFTA destroyed millions of US CITIZENS, millions of JOBS - 100s of 1,000s - of US Businesses and small towns everywhere!....then again in 1999 when (D) President Clinton produced and signed with (D) Pelosi The Financial Services Modernization ACT 1999 - which destroyed the Glass-Steagall ACT and brought down the entire US Banking System by 2007-08, ....then President Clinton allowed the destruction of the TECH BOOM March - April 2000 = 3 TIMES THE CLINTONS destroyed the US Economy and where they then made Millions from Goldman-Sachs and its Associates from WALL STREET - Hillary Clinton would again destroy Millions of Americans! She would be a DISASTER!
When President Clinton failed to prosecuted the CEO of Goldman-Sachs when in March and April - Henry Paulson - Paulson lead the corruption on Wall Street - where by the TOP got out of TECH and defrauded their Small & Mid-Cap Investors - We watched him do this from a Corporate Trading Window at the Hdqrs. of Merrill Lynch - We sent the Investor Fraud information to the (D) Clinton Admin. to the S.E.C. Chair Arthur Levitt (who now works for Goldman-Sachs) and to the (D) AG of NY Eliot Spitzer - ZERO! Millions of Americans lost their investments in TECH.... And 9 months later the Clintons walked out of the White House and began a 15 year career of taking millions from Wall Street. ........OUT RIGHT CORRUPTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can Citizens move forward when Wall Street and corrupt Presidents > Bush & Clinton <destroy the US Economy for Self-Greed and grab more and more Wealth. When the Economy Collapses these guys go around and buy everything up for pennies on the dollar..............>>>>>>>> STOP CLINTON <<<<<<<<<<<