The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
rising inequality
The Evidence Pours In: Poverty Is Getting Much Worse In America
34 million American adults, or 1 in 7, are among the world's poorest 10%. How is that possible? In a word, debt.
This is How Republics End
Warnings from the fall of Rome.
One Chart that Shows How Much Worse Income Inequality Is In America than Europe
The income share of the poorest half of Americans is declining while the richest have grabbed more. In Europe, it’s not happening.
The New Gilded Age: Income Inequality in the U.S. by State, Metropolitan Area, and County
From 2009 to 2015, the incomes of the top 1 percent grew faster than the incomes of the bottom 99 percent in 43 states and the District of Columbia.
Five Charts That Show How the U.S. Has Failed To Tackle Its Inequality Gap
A new UN poverty report has castigated the U.S. over its extreme poverty levels and inequality, and condemned Donald Trump's “systematic attack on America’s welfare program.”
'CEOs Don't Want This Released': U.S. Study Lays Bare Extreme Pay-Ratio Problem
The first comprehensive study of CEO-to-worker pay reveals an extraordinary disparity – with the highest gap approaching 5,000 to 1.
Europe Faces Growing Homeless Population as Housing Costs Soar
The gap between rich and poor in the European housing market is widening as the number of homeless people on the continent grows, according to a new study.
Make America Grate Again: Why The Trump Tax Cuts Are Bad for Democracy
What they really do is inflate the national debt while concentrating wealth and political power into fewer and fewer hands.
America’s Richest 2% Made More Money in 2017 Than the Cost of the Entire Safety Net
Those Americans with an average net worth of about $2.5 million accumulated enough wealth in 2017 alone to pay for the safety net FOUR TIMES over.
Capitalism as Obstacle to Equality and Democracy: The U.S. Story
The conclusion we draw from the U.S. story is not that efforts to reverse deepening inequality are foredoomed to failure – it is that mere reforms such as tax law changes are inadequate to the task. To make reforms stick requires going further to basic system change.