The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
rising inequality
17 Ballot Initiatives to Watch if You Care About Inequality
Voters in many states today will have the opportunity to weigh in on a wide variety of inequality-related issues, from taxing the wealthy to price-gouging on drugs.
Fancy Forms of Paperwork and the Logic of Financial Violence
Five years after Occupy, organizer and anthropologist David Graeber speaks to ROAR about the power of finance, the history of inequality and the legacy of the movement.
5 Years After Zuccotti Park, Occupy Movement Is Driving America's Political Change
The next time someone says the Occupy movement is dead, ask them this: “Do you really think serious activists for social and economic justice were going to spend the rest of their lives living in tents in parks?”
Globalization and its New Discontents
Stiglitz: How can something that our political leaders – and many an economist – said would make everyone better off be so reviled? The rules of the game now need to be changed, with measures to tame globalization.
For the Country's Lower Half, Perils of Rising Inequality Becoming Painfully Clear
Recent research published about the Great Recession adds to the already clear evidence that rising inequality translates into nearly all of today's winnings going to the wealthy.
Bernie Sanders: Democrats Need to Wake Up
Surprise, surprise.
Minimum Wage Momentum Nationwide Continues to Surge
Wages hit $15 from D.C. to Silicon Valley and a new analysis points to the working class’s multicultural future.
For Struggling Renters In New Orleans, Hope May Be Coming A Bit Late
Twenty-four-year old Stuart Marino, a finance major at University of New Orleans, spends more than 30 percent of his income on rent and utilities and doesn't have enough savings to cover a basic medical emergency.
How Does Davos Man Plan To Tackle Inequality?
The World Economic Forum is finally talking about inequality rather than ignoring it – but Davos will never be a place to look for solutions because it fails to turn social responsibility rhetoric into practice, and its policies exacerbate inequality.
Low Wages, Rising Rents: Why California Workers Can’t Afford A Roof Over Their Head
According to the California Housing Partnership Corporation, a combination of falling incomes and high rents is driving the worst rental-housing crisis in California since World War II.