The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Noam Chomsky: Smoke and Mirrors, or Civil Liberties Under President Obama
Obama's attack on civil liberties go well beyond anything I would have anticipated, and they don't seem easy to explain. He doesn't gain anything from it – he doesn't get any political mileage out of it.
Greenpeace Launches Whistleblower Site for Oil Workers
The group launched The Arctic Truth to attract whistleblowers from oil companies to reveal risks associated with drilling for oil and gas in the Arctic.
Bank Zombie Titles Are Soaring, Hurting Communities and Borrowers
The perverse phenomenon known as “zombie title" — where servicers initiate a foreclosure, evict the borrowers, but then fail to take title to the house — is an abuse that is skyrocketing.
Nationwide Ag-Gag Laws: Stripping our First Amendment
Ag-gag bills nationwide threaten to quash free speech by banning journalists, whistleblowers, workers and other citizens from exposing illegal and abusive treatment of animals at factory feeding operations owned by huge corporations.
"The Kissinger Cables": Wikileaks Releases New Trove of Secret U.S. Documents
The world's lead whistleblowing website has just published the "Public Library of U.S. Diplomacy," 1.7 million U.S. documents from 1973 to 1976 including many written by former State Secretary Henry Kissinger.