There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Supreme Court To Decide on Campaign Finance Limits
McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission will determine whether the limit is lifted or changed on federal spending laws to finance candidates, parties and PACs
Seattle Social Justice Film Festival Brings New Voices to the Big Screen
This week in Seattle, the second Social Justice Film Festival draws a sharp focus to injustice and unfairness.
A U.S. Soldier Talks About Shutdown and Government's Betrayal of a Promise
Matt Harrison, one of many U.S. Army Band musicians being dis-enrolled due to the federal shutdown, says Congress's decisions are based entirely on self-interest.
Greek Journalist Who Leaked "Lagarde List" of Tax Evaders Faces Retrial
The Greek journalist Kostas Vaxevanis, who caused an uproar by publishing the so-called "Lagarde list" of 2,000 suspected tax evaders from his country who hold bank accounts in Switzerland, is on trial in Athens on charges of infringing privacy laws.
Two Years On: Successes, Challenges and Next Steps for the Occupy Movement
With things getting only better for the rich and worse for the poor, it's not a question of if, but when, the next historic shift in the tectonic plates of global capitalism will take place.
NSA Security at Utah Data Center Stops Journalists From Shooting Video
The NSA does not want you at the Utah Data Center, nor does it want you filming there.
Shutdown Shrinks Federal Election Commission to Just 4 Employees
The FEC chairwoman warns that the public's right to information about elections has already been compromised thanks to the federal shutdown.
Months After Fierce Opposition to Fare Hikes, Brazil's Protests Are Evolving
A complex mixture of Anonymous supporters, Black Bloc activists and middle class conservatives took to the streets, reflecting the changing social movement.
The Growing Movement to Decriminalize Sex Work in India and Asia
Tens of thousands of Nepali women are being trafficked into India to work in the sex trade. Efforts are now gaining momentum to decriminalize the industry in order to improve care to its victims.
Hedges: The Origins of Our Police State
The tyranny of law enforcement in poor communities is a window into our emerging police state, as cops arrest 13 million people a year while carrying out random searches with no probable cause.