There are multiple similarities between Trump and the British monarch when looking at the 27 grievances the framers outlined in their 1776 declaration.
Green Activists Navigate Life In the Post-Privacy Era
The most visible manifestation of surveillance in the environmental movement has been a rash of undercover agents who blurred the lines between police work and entrapment -- and now every experienced green group has a policy for dealing with them.
Exposed: Private Firms Are Selling Mass Surveillance Systems Around World
Corporations sell spying tools at private trade fairs to developing countries in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, with "off the shelf" equipment to allow them to snoop on millions of emails, text messages and phone calls, according to new documents.
New Jersey Town To Rescue Foreclosed Homeowners Through Eminent Domain
On Saturday, Irvington Mayor Wayne Smith announced the township’s plan to “take” and revalue foreclosed homes at market rates for public benefit using the legal doctrine of “eminent domain” -- making it the second U.S. city to exercise the measure.
Banning Surveillance: What States and Localities Can Do About Drones
Cities from Minnesota and Virginia to Illinois and Massachusetts have passed legislation outlawing the use of aerial drones in their region. Now it's time for other cities, towns and counties to pass similar resolutions.
Counting the Dollars the Rich Want Uncounted
Americans are gaining, ever so slowly, a more accurate picture of just how wide the gap has stretched between the nation’s most fabulously privileged and everyone else.
Royal Troubles: Amid Austerity and Inequality, Ire Is Growing Over Britain's 1% Monarchy
Inheritances of vast wealth and power position the British royals and aristocrats within the global 1%. So why do protests for democracy and equality rarely draw attention to them, focusing anger instead merely on bankers, politicians and corporate fat cats?
David Miranda Is Nobody’s Errand Boy
When Glenn Greenwald’s 28-year-old Brazilian partner was detained in London this summer while transporting documents related to the bombshell Edward Snowden story, many assumed he was unfairly roped into a situation he didn’t understand. That couldn’t be further from the truth.
Massive Leak and Bi-Partisan House Opposition Strike Double Blow to Trans-Pacific Partnership
Broad bi-partisan opposition announced this week shows that winning Fast Track Trade Promotion Authority for the corporate coup known as the TPP has little support in Congress. In fact, the letters may be the death knell for such legislation.
Chaos for Keystone: Dents, Holes, Bends and Damage Plague Pipeline's 485-Mile Southern Half
Public Citizen released a chilling report revealing that the Keystone's southern line, due to begin pumping 700,000 daily barrels of bitumen from Oklahoma to Texas within weeks, has more than 125 "anomalies" alone in the half of the line it analyzed.
Arctic 30 Protester: "My Little Girl Will Have Forgotten Who I Am In Seven Years"
A defiant letter and a series of poignant drawings from Britain's Phil Ball, a 42-year-old cameraman from Oxford now sitting in a jail cell in Murmansk, highlight the plight of the Arctic 30 in their eighth week of imprisonment in Russia.